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DAY 69

  approximately/prksimtli/ ad.

  What he says approximately accords with the previous evidence.

  猜一猜 A. 等于B. 抵消C. 大約D. 超出

  翻譯 他所說的與以前的證詞大致相同。

  分析 ap + proxim + ate → + ly

  到 + 近 + 形容詞后綴 + 副詞后綴

  bloom/blum/ n.

  We can see little blooms here and there.

  猜一猜 A. 繁榮B. 吉祥C. 花朵D. 凋零

  翻譯 四處開滿了小花兒。

  詞義擴展 n. 開花(期)The flowers are in full bloom and attracted crowds of

  visitors. 百花綻放,吸引了眾多游客。

  v. 開花The habit budded in primary school, and bloomed in high school. 這種習慣


  denote/dinut/ v.

  Her sunny smile denotes that she is quite satisfactory with her present life.

  猜一猜 A. 表示,意味著B. 設(shè)計

  C. 獲得D. 引申

  翻譯 她燦爛的笑容意味著她對現(xiàn)在的生活很滿意。


  note,符號 → denote,指示,表示

  pond/paund/ n.

  Some cattle were drinking at the pond.

  猜一猜 A. 湖邊B. 小溪C. 池塘D. 河流

  翻譯 牛在池塘邊喝水

  subscribe/sbskraib/ v.

  All students in our class subscribe to the English Weekly.

  猜一猜 A. 捐款B. 買C. 用D. 訂閱

  翻譯 我們?nèi)嗤瑢W都訂閱了《英語周報》。

  分析 sub+ scribe

  under+ to write → 簽署(文件),訂閱,預訂

  tomato/tmtu/ n.

  There is another name for tomato — love apple.

  猜一猜 A. 土豆B. 西瓜C. 草莓D. 西紅柿

  翻譯 西紅柿還有一個名字叫做“愛之果”。

  tremble/trembl/ v.

  He trembled heavily because of fear.

  猜一猜 A. 恐懼B. 發(fā)抖,顫抖

  C. 搖晃D. 興奮

  翻譯 他害怕的直發(fā)抖。

  詞義擴展 v. 搖晃,晃動The leaves trembled in the breeze. 樹葉在微風中搖晃。

  semiconductor/semikndkt/ n.

  Is there any connection between radio and semiconductor?

  猜一猜 A. 廣播B. 收音機C. 半導體D. 電視

  翻譯 收音機與半導體之間有什么關(guān)系嗎?

  分析 semi + on+ duct + or

  半+ 共同+ 引導+ 名詞詞尾 → 半導體

  swell/swel/ v.

  The balloon will swell up if you give it some air.

  猜一猜 A. 膨脹B. 生氣C. 降落D. 飛躍

  翻譯 如果對氣球吹氣,它會膨脹。

  近義詞 extend 擴張,延伸; grow 增大

  can/kn/ aux.v.

  He can operate the company better than anyone else.

  猜一猜 A. 將要B. 也許C. 能D. 試圖

  翻譯 他能比其他任何人更好地管理這個公司。

  詞義擴展 aux.v. 可以;可能That cant be Mike — hes in New York. 那不可


  n. 罐頭a can of fish

  v. 裝罐頭

  confront/knfrnt/ v.

  We are confronted with great hardship far beyond our imagination.

  猜一猜 A. 面臨B. 斗爭C. 勝利D. 克服

  翻譯 我們正面臨著超出我們想像的困難。

  分析 con+ front

  together+ forehead → 面臨

  詞義擴展 v. 面對(危險等)Confronted by constant attacks, the army has to re

  treat. 軍隊面對不斷的進攻只好撤退。

  fix/fiks/ v.詞義 使固定,安裝;確定,決定

  大頭例句 They finally agreed to fix a date for the next negotiation. 他們最


  contrive/kntraiv/ v.

  He contrived to corrupt some government official and was promoted soon.

  猜一猜 A. 成功B. 想像

  C. 喜歡D. 設(shè)法做到

  翻譯 他設(shè)法賄賂一些政府官員,很快得到了提升。

  詞義擴展 v. 謀劃,策劃The terrorists contrived to bomb the school. 恐怖分子


  flu/flu/ n.

  These days we are suffering the flu.

  猜一猜 A. 流行感冒B. 影響

  C. 開花季節(jié)D. 水流

  翻譯 這幾天我們都染上了流感。

  dew/dju/ n.

  The dew is shining beautifully on the grass in the sun.

  猜一猜 A. 金色B. 鉆石C. 露水D. 水晶

  翻譯 陽光底下,草上的露水閃閃發(fā)亮,十分漂亮。

  log/l/ n.

  The cabin was built of logs.

  猜一猜 A. 橡膠B. 磚C. 原木D. 籬笆

  翻譯 這間小屋是原木做成的。

  詞義擴展 n. 航海日志The captain of the ship entered the details in the log.


  sulfur/sulphur/slf/ n.

  Sulfur is one of the important chemical elements.

  猜一猜 A. 硫B. 車C. 鉀D. 鐵

  翻譯 硫是重要的化學元素之一。

  basin/beisn/ n.

  The mornings of the dormitory were filled with the din of basins, cups, and ther


  猜一猜 A. 臉盆B. 搖籃C. 浮雕D. 紙簍

  翻譯 寢室的早晨,臉盆,杯子,熱水瓶乒乒乓乓響個不停。


  n. 內(nèi)海,盆地an ocean basin 海洋盆地

  attend/tend/ v.

  They had a quiet wedding — only a few friends attended it.

  猜一猜 A. 出席,參加B. 參觀

  C. 參考D. 開除

  翻譯 他們的婚禮靜悄悄的——只有幾個朋友參加。

  詞義擴展 n. (to)照顧,護理The villagers attended to the wounded day and ni

  ght. 村民們?nèi)找拐疹欀鴤麊T。

  近義詞 care for; tend to; look after

  applaud/pld/ v.

  The whole audience applauded his wonderful speech.

  猜一猜 A. 為…感動B. 為…思考

  C. 從…受益D. 為…鼓掌

  翻譯 全場觀眾為他精彩的演講而鼓掌。

  分析 ap+ plaud

  在一起+ 鼓掌 → 喝彩,歡呼,鼓掌

  大頭例句 When the president appeared on the platform, they applauded deafeni

  ngly. 當總統(tǒng)在講臺上出現(xiàn)的時候,全場掌聲雷動。

  近義詞 acclaim 喝彩,歡呼,稱贊;hail歡呼,致敬; clap鼓掌,拍手

  boot/but/ n.

  If you are going hiking, its advisable to take along an extra tough boot for w


  猜一猜 A. 睡袋B. 圓木C. 行李箱D. 靴子

  翻譯 如果去遠足,最好多帶一雙耐穿的靴子。

  concert/knst/ n.

  The concert produced a favorable response from the audience.

  猜一猜 A. 演講B. 音樂會

  C. 電視劇D. 球賽

  翻譯 音樂會在聽眾中引起良好的反響。

  分析 Con+ cert

  Together+ sure → 一致,一齊,可由此聯(lián)想到音樂會,演奏會,因為演奏會上演奏者必須


  詞義擴展 n. 一齊,一致Two countries acted in concert with each other to stop

  a war. 兩國一致行動阻止戰(zhàn)爭的爆發(fā)。

  biscuit/biskit/ n.

  The child was enjoying a chocolate biscuit, which he got from his fellows.猜一猜

  A. 下午茶B. 餅干

  C. 松子酒D. 冷盤

  翻譯 小孩從他的伙伴那弄到了一塊巧克力餅干,正津津有味地吃著。

  近義詞 cooky; cracker

  bibliography/biblirfi/ n.

  The author provides us with a bibliography at the end of each chapter that great

  ly facilitates the readers.

  猜一猜 A. 參考書目B. 專題

  C. 章節(jié)D. 參考

  翻譯 作者在每一章節(jié)的后面都附有一份參考書目,這極大地方便了讀者。

  分析 bible + graphy

  圣經(jīng)+ 記錄 → 參考書目

  詞義擴展 n. (有關(guān)某一專題的)書目a bibliography on religion 關(guān)于宗教的書目

  resign/rizain/ v.

  He resigned as a teacher in order to take a more challenging job.

  猜一猜 A. 退休B. 任職C. 辭職D. 簽合同

  翻譯 他辭去老師的工作去尋求更大的挑戰(zhàn)。

  聯(lián)想記憶 resign中的“re”前綴表“再一次”之意,“sign”是簽合同,再一次的簽


  近義詞 quit

  feast/fist/ n.

  Lunar May 15th is a great feast in this region.

  猜一猜 A. 節(jié)日B. 生日C. 禮拜日D. 朝圣

  翻譯 農(nóng)歷五月十五是當?shù)氐囊粋€重要節(jié)日。

  詞義擴展 n. 宴會The art gallery supplies a feast for eyes. 這個美術(shù)館讓人大


  frame/freim/ n.

  The frame of the windows is made of wood.

  猜一猜 A. 火苗B. 框架C. 材料D. 結(jié)構(gòu)

  翻譯 窗框是木制的。

  詞義擴展 v. 裝框子I would prefer to frame the photograph with metals. 我相片


  pot/pt/ n.

  They planted a flower in the pot.

  猜一猜 A. 陽臺B. 溫室C. 罐子D. 花園

  翻譯 他們在罐子里種了花。

  stove/stuv/ n.

  Our stove has been stolen so that we can not cook in dorm now.

  猜一猜 A. 庫存B. 車C. 銷售量D. 評價

  翻譯 我們的爐子被偷走了,因此我們現(xiàn)在不能在宿舍里煮東西。

  近義詞 range 多指鐵制爐灶;oven 灶,爐;heater 加熱器

  prick/prik/ v.

  The harsh words pricked her heart with coldness and cruelness.

  猜一猜 A. 割破B. 刺傷C. 價錢D. 保護

  翻譯 他冷酷無情的言語刺傷了她的心。

  詞義擴展 n. 刺傷,刺痛The prick on his figure was made by a needle because o

  f his carelessness. 由于他的粗心大意,針刺傷了他的手指。

  近義詞 stab; sting

  cellar/sel/ n.

  There is a sweet potato cellar in the garden.

  猜一猜 A. 籠子B. 地窖C. 房子D. 田地

  翻譯 花園里有一個紅薯地窖。

  分析 cell+ ar

  隱藏+ 名詞詞尾 → 藏東西的地方 → 地窖

  blast/blst/ n.

  She kept shivering in the winds icy blasts.

  猜一猜 A. 一陣(風,氣流)B. 突擊

  C. 倒霉D. 照耀

  翻譯 陣陣冰冷的風讓她瑟瑟發(fā)抖。

  詞義擴展 n. ① 爆炸沖擊波Several passersby were thrown away several meters

  by the blast. 數(shù)幾名路人被爆炸沖擊波沖出好幾米遠。 ② 管樂器或汽笛聲The blasts

  of the trumpet are not so resonant as that of the bulge. 喇叭的聲音沒有軍號的嘹


  v. 爆炸,爆破To pave the way for the railway, they have to blast numerous huge r

  ocks away. 為了鋪設(shè)鐵軌,他們必須炸掉很多巨大的巖石。

  近義詞 breeze; gust; gale

  canoe/knu/ n.

  Traveling by canoe is fantastic.

  猜一猜 A. 火箭B. 飛船C. 小游艇D. 竹筏

  翻譯 乘小游艇旅行很有意思。

  bond/bnd/ n.

  The very act seemed to strength her bond with me.

  猜一猜 A. 結(jié)合,聯(lián)結(jié)B. 組織

  C. 依賴D. 思慮

  翻譯 這一行動似乎加強了我和她之間的聯(lián)系。

  詞義擴展 公債,契約a bond between two governments 兩國政府間的契約

  聯(lián)想記憶 [動]sing 唱 → [名]song 歌

 ?。蹌樱輇ind 捆綁 → [名]bond 聯(lián)結(jié),聯(lián)系

  近義詞 affiliation; band; knot; link

  bracket/brkit/ n.

  Put words between brackets.

  猜一猜 A. 破折號B. 流程圖

  C. 括號D. 省略

  翻譯 把詞填在括號中。

  census/senss/ n.

  The census of 1990 showed that the population in Albania reached 3.112 million.

  猜一猜 A. 測試B. 情況

  C. 指數(shù)D. 人口普查

  翻譯 1990年的人口普查顯示阿爾巴尼亞的人口總數(shù)達到了3112百萬。

  decrease/dikris/ v.

  The number of traffic accidents decreased compared to last month.

  猜一猜 A. 增加B. 減少C. 恒定D. 不變

  翻譯 與上個月相比,交通事故減少了。

  詞義擴展 n. 減少,減少量The birthrate of our country is on the decrease. 我


  分析 de+ crease

  向下,降低,減少+ crease → 減少,減小

  heal/hil/ v.

  The wound healed soon.

  猜一猜 A. 腳跟B. 惡化C. 康復D. 危險

  翻譯 傷口很快就康復了。

  近義詞 cure;recover

  moral/mrl/ a.

  The whole countrys moral standards should be improved with the development of


  猜一猜 A. 文化的B. 身體的

  C. 道德的D. 經(jīng)濟的

  翻譯 隨著經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,整個國家的道德水平也應(yīng)該有所提高。

  詞義擴展 n. 寓意,教育意義I am afraid you dont quite see the moral of the

  story. 恐怕你不是很懂這個故事的寓意。

  compulsory/kmplsri/ a.

  English literature is a compulsory course for English majors in university.

  猜一猜 A. 選擇的B. 必修的

  C. 受歡迎的D. 深奧的

  翻譯 英國文學對于英語專業(yè)的大學生來說是一門必修課。

  分析 com+ puls+ ory

  together,with + to drive+ 形容詞詞尾 → 驅(qū)使的,強制的, 義務(wù)的

  近義詞 obligatory;enforced;necessary;imposed; mandatory

  game/eim/ n.

  She always taught kids some profound knowledge by playing game.

  猜一猜 A. 工具B. 書本

  C. 游戲, 娛樂D. 體育運動

  翻譯 她經(jīng)常通過做游戲來教小孩一些深奧的知識。

  詞義擴展 n. ① 比賽, 運動會They won the game at last. 他們最終贏得了比賽。

  ② 獵物game dish 野味食物

  lamp/lmp/ n.

  She bought a desk lamp and put it on her bed.

  猜一猜 A. 熒光筆B. 涂改液C. 課本D. 燈

  翻譯 她買了一只臺燈,把它放在床頭。

  content/kntent/ n.

  Dont eat too much food with a high fat content.

  猜一猜 A. 內(nèi)容B. 含量C. 脂肪D. 熱量

  翻譯 別吃太多脂肪含量高的食物。

  分析 con+ tent

  together+ to hold → 全部保留,內(nèi)容,容量

  詞義擴展 n. ① 內(nèi)容I havent read the text so I am unaware of its content.

  我還沒讀過這文章,所以我還不知道它的內(nèi)容。 ② 目錄(pl.)A table of contents in

  troduces what is in the book. 書的目錄詳列了書的內(nèi)容。 ③ 滿足,愿意They ate a l

  arge meal to their hearts content. 他們盡情享用了一份大餐。

  a. 滿足的He is content with his present job 他對他現(xiàn)在的工作心滿意足。

  black/blk/ a.

  She was dressed in black on the celebration.

  猜一猜 A. 黑色(暗)的B. 雙重的

  C. 強烈的D. 小心的

  翻譯 那次歡慶會上,她穿著一身黑色的衣服。


  n. 黑人,黑色

  burst/bst/ v.

  The flood burst the bank and overwhelmed the whole village.

  猜一猜 A. 淹沒B. 覆蓋C. 沖破D. 碰撞

  翻譯 洪水沖破大堤,淹沒了整個村莊。

  詞義擴展 v. 突然發(fā)生,突然發(fā)作On hearing the news, she burst into laughing.


  n. 突然破裂,爆發(fā)A burst of gunfire in the midnight waked me up. 半夜里突然一聲


  club/klb/ v.

  Every Saturday evening parties and salons are held in this club.

  猜一猜   A. 大廳B. 運動場

  C. 廣場D. 俱樂部

  翻譯 每個星期六晚上,俱樂部里舉行各種聚會和沙龍活動。

  詞義擴展 n. ① 社團On university campus there are various clubs and organiza

  tions established by students. 大學校園里有學生建立的各種社團組織。 ② 棍棒,球

  棒Put away the golf club,I want to use it tomorrow. 把高爾夫球棒收好,我明天要


  bold/buld/ a.

  Even the conservatives are in favor of the bold proposal to settle the problem a

  s soon as possible.

  猜一猜 A. 不辭勞苦的B. 前進的

  C. 大膽的,勇敢的D. 堅定的

  翻譯 就連一向的保守主義者都支持這個大膽的提議以盡快解決問題。

  詞義擴展 a. ① 冒失的be hurt by a bold remark 被一句唐突無禮的話所傷害 ②

  黑體的,粗體的bold advertising 黑體字廣告

  近義詞 brave

  assignment/sainment/ n.

  His assignment to a new post is to be announced shortly.

  猜一猜 A. 分配B. 傳送C. 會見D. 約定

  翻譯 他被任命去一個新崗位的消息很快就會被公布。

  詞義擴展 n. 任務(wù),(課外)作業(yè)His manager gave him the assignment of planni

  ng the sales meeting. 經(jīng)理給他的任務(wù)是為銷售會議做計劃。

  applause/plz/ n.

  The hall was filled with applause, after the decision was announced.

  猜一猜 A. 感動B. 掌聲C. 激情D. 喜悅

  翻譯 決議公布后,會場上掌聲響起。

  分析 ap+ pland + se

  一起+ 鼓掌+ 名詞詞尾 → 鼓掌歡迎,歡呼

  大頭例句 They welcomed the distinguished guests with thunderous applause. 他


  近義詞 cheer 歡呼,愉快; acclamation 歡呼,鼓掌喝彩;ovation 熱烈歡迎

  belt/belt/ n.

  To develop more sophisticated weapons means that people have to tighten their be


  猜一猜 A. 腰帶B. 彎腰C. 船帆D. 參照物

  翻譯 欲發(fā)展更多的尖端武器意味著人們得勒緊他們的腰帶。


  n. 地帶cotton belt 玉米帶

  buy/bai/ v.

  Forrest bought a hat with white flowers for his mother.

  猜一猜 A. 做B. 訂購C. 縫制D. 買

  翻譯 福斯特給他媽媽買了一頂帶白花的帽子。

  詞義擴展 n. 購買,買賣She always like good buys. 她總喜歡便宜貨。

  implement/implimnt/ n.

  You have to get fine implement to repair this car.

  猜一猜 A. 方法B. 工資C. 計劃D. 工具

  翻譯 你必須找好工具來修理這輛車

  詞義擴展 v. 貫徹,實現(xiàn)Whenever you have a good practical plan, just implemen

  t it immediately. 一旦有了好的切實的計劃,就應(yīng)該立即貫徹它。

  base/beis/ n.

  She used her familys history as a base for her novel.

  猜一猜 A. 基礎(chǔ)B. 莽原C. 原材料D. 袖口

  翻譯 她把她一家人的經(jīng)歷作為她小說的基本素材。詞義擴展 n. 基地,根據(jù)地a

  military base 軍事基地

  v. (on) 把…于,以…為根據(jù)He was not aware that he had based all his statements

  on a false theory. 他絲毫沒有意識到他所有論斷都來自于一個錯誤的理論。

  近義詞 basis;foundation

  button/btn/ n.

  The hall is in pitch dark, I cant find the button.

  猜一猜 A. 開關(guān),按鈕B. 方向

  C. 大門D. 電燈

  翻譯 大廳里伸手不見五指,我找不到開關(guān)。

  詞義擴展 v. 扣緊,扣上鈕扣I dont like the shirts that button at side. 我不


  eve/iv/ n.詞義 n. (節(jié)日等的)前夜,前夕

  incur/ink/ v.

  If you still be so naughty, you will incur my anger.

  猜一猜 A. 增加B. 招致C. 打消D. 使停留

  翻譯 你還這么淘氣,就要惹我生氣了。

  spin/spin/ v.

  He spun the wheel of the bicycle in order to check where the problem was on eart


  猜一猜 A. 拆下B. 轉(zhuǎn)動C. 檢查D. 擦洗

  翻譯 他快速轉(zhuǎn)動自行車輪子,以確定問題究竟出在哪兒。

  詞義擴展 v. ① 紡紗She likes spinning goats hair into wool. 她喜歡把羊毛織

  成線。 ② 織網(wǎng),吐絲The spider always spins their webs to hunt the preys. 蜘蛛通


  n. 旋轉(zhuǎn),自轉(zhuǎn)The bowler gave a spin to the ball on the match. 比賽時,投球手發(fā)了


  近義詞 turn; twist

  trench/trent/ n.

  They have dug trenches for drainage.

  猜一猜 A. 水池B. 池塘C. 溝,溝渠D. 河流

  翻譯 他們挖了排水溝。

  probe/prub/ n.

  We gather information about Venus successfully through space probe.

  猜一猜 A. 技術(shù)B. 探測器C. 飛行D. 發(fā)射

  翻譯 我們利用航天探測器成功收集有關(guān)火星的信息。

  詞義擴展 v. 探查,穿刺,查究If you want to discover what he thinks,you will

  have to probe his mind. 如果你想發(fā)現(xiàn)他在想什么,你必須深入了解他的思想。

  support/spt/ v./n.

  The shop has a good support of toys.

  詞義 v. ① 支持 ② 擁護 ③ 供養(yǎng),維持

  n. ① 支撐者,支撐物She is the only support that her poor old father has. 她是她

  可憐的老父親的惟一贍養(yǎng)者。 ② 支撐,支持 She gave her brother much support. 她給


  tremendous/trimends/ a.

  He is a tremendous talker.

  猜一猜 A. 過分的B. 難得的

  C. 稀少的D. 巨大的,非常的

  翻譯 他是個非常健談的人。

  union/junjn/ n.

  He works as a volunteer in the labor union.

  猜一猜 A. 協(xié)會,工會B. 社團

  C. 組織D. 聯(lián)誼會

  翻譯 他在工會做義工。

  分析 uni+ ion

  表示一,單+ 名詞詞尾 → 工會,協(xié)會

  詞義擴展 n. ① 聯(lián)合,合并Union is strength. 團結(jié)就是力量。 ② 一致,融洽We coo

  perate with each other in perfect union. 我們合作得十分融洽。

  urge/d/ v.

  He is so impatient that he is always urging us to hurry up.

  猜一猜 A. 催促B. 命令C. 反對D. 猜測

  翻譯 他太不耐煩了,結(jié)果總是催我們快一點。

  大頭巧計 從讀音上聯(lián)想,這個單詞的讀音類似于“餓極”,餓極了就要趕緊吃飯,所


  詞義擴展 v. ① 強烈希望The workers on the demonstration urged the immediate

  dismissal of their manager. 參加示威的工人們強烈要求撤掉他們經(jīng)理的職務(wù)。 ② 鼓勵

  ,促進The teacher urged the students to greater efforts. 老師鼓勵同學們更加努力


  n. 強烈要求,迫切要求a sudden urge 心血來潮

  衍生詞 urgent a. 急迫的,緊迫的an urgent case 緊急情況

  us/s/ pron.

  Please inform us once you get to know the news.

  猜一猜 A. 我們B. 他們C. 我D. 他

  翻譯 請你們一有消息就通知我們一聲。

  wagon/waggon/wn/ n.

  Can you find a wagon to carry the luggage?

  猜一猜 A. 汽車B. 自行車

  C. 架子D. 運貨馬車

  翻譯 你能找一輛運貨的馬車來運送這些行李嗎?

  詞義擴展 n. 敞篷車箱a wagon full of coal 裝滿了煤炭的敞篷車箱

  fold/fuld/ v.

  Her mother folded her clothes up neatly, and helped her with package.

  猜一猜 A. 洗B. 折疊C. 購買D. 縫補

  翻譯 她媽媽幫她把衣服折好,并且?guī)退硇欣睢?/FONT>

  詞義擴展 n. 摺,摺痕She bought a skirt with loose folds yesterday, but it se

  emed not deserved the price. 她昨天買了一條帶寬松折皺的裙子,但是這條裙子好像不


  melon/meln/ n.

  He likes eating melon.

  猜一猜 A. 水果B. 零食C. 甜瓜D. 葡萄

  翻譯 他喜歡吃甜瓜。

  collapse/klps/ v.

  He fears that his domestic business will collapse because of the economic crisis


  猜一猜 A. 衰退B. 飛躍C. 考驗D. 垮臺

  翻譯 他擔心他的國內(nèi)企業(yè)會因為經(jīng)濟危機而垮臺。

  分析 col+ laps

  together + to slip → 一起倒塌,垮臺

  詞義擴展 n. 倒塌,崩潰The collapse of certain buildings causes deep concern

  for the quality of building projects. 一些建筑物的倒塌使人們對建筑質(zhì)量感到憂慮


  level/lev()l/ n.

  Our country has faith in catching up with the advanced level in the world.

  猜一猜 A. 技術(shù)B. 教育C. 水平D. 生物

  翻譯 我國有趕上世界先進水平的決心。

  詞義擴展 n. 級別It mains failure to make a proper examination of cadres at v

  arious levels. 這是對各級干部審查工作做的不好的問題。

  v. 弄平,鋪平Leveling the road is in the agenda of the government. 把路整平在政


  reply/riplai/ v.

  The teacher asked us to reply to his question with utterance or expression.

  猜一猜 A. 評論B. 修正

  C. 提出D. 回答,答復

  翻譯 老師要求我們用言語或者表情來回答他的問題。

  詞義擴展 n. 回答,答復come up with a quick reply 迅速回答問題

  近義詞 answer

  butcher/but/ n.

  Many people believe that butchers are always very fat.

  猜一猜 A. 農(nóng)民B. 屠夫C. 廚師D. 小販

  翻譯 很多人認為屠夫一般都很胖。

  below/bilu/ prep.

  The temperature remained below freezing all day.

  猜一猜 A. 在…下面B. 風箱

  C. 皮帶D. 吼叫

  翻譯 溫度整天都在冰點以下。

  詞義擴展 ad. 在下面,向下I hear the music from below. 我聽見從下面?zhèn)鱽淼囊魳?/FONT>


  bucket/bkit/ n.

  He came in with a bucket of water in his left hand.

  猜一猜 A. 盆B. 吊桶C. 壺D. 杯

  翻譯 他左手提著一桶水走了進來。

  crow/kru/ n.

  Crow is sigh for misfortune in China.

  猜一猜 A. 烏鴉B. 喜鵲C. 獅子D. 狼

  翻譯 烏鴉在中國被看作是不吉祥的象征。

  詞義擴展 v. 雞叫,啼叫Cocks crow at the time of dawn. 公雞在破曉時打鳴。

  n. 雞叫,鳴叫She was woken up by the continuous crows. 她被連續(xù)不斷的雞叫聲吵醒


  mock/mk/ v.

  Dont mock those who are sensitive or easy to get angry.

  猜一猜 A. 夸獎B. 嘲笑C. 諷刺D. 模仿

  翻譯 不要嘲笑那些很敏感或者是很容易生氣的人。

  詞義擴展 a. ① 仿制的,模仿的Those mock pictures can be easily recognized by

  the experts. 那些仿造的畫很容易就能被專家認出來。 ② 模擬的,演習的That mock ex

  amination gave him a heavy blow, and became totally desperate from them on. 那次


  n. (常pl.) 模擬考試We will take our mocks before every important and formal exa

  mination. 在每一個很重要很正式的考試前我們都會有一個模擬考試。

  belong/bil/ v.

  She felt she had never really belonged to the family.

  猜一猜 A. 屬于B. 添加C. 變通D. 抱怨

  翻譯 她發(fā)覺自己從來沒有真正融入過這個家庭。

  詞義擴展 v. 應(yīng)歸入(類別,范疇)They belong to a younger generation. 他們屬


  carrier/kri/ n.

  Most of the carriers are male.

  猜一猜 A. 工具B. 運送車

  C. 搬運工D. 傳送帶

  翻譯 大多數(shù)搬運工是男性。

  分析 carr(y) + i + er

  搬運+ i + 表示人的名詞詞尾 → 搬運工

  近義詞 conveyor 運送者;haul 運送;transport 運送,運輸

  chicken/tikin/ n.

  He keeps several chickens on his farm.

  猜一猜 A. 鴨子B. 小雞C. 鵝D. 鵪鶉

  翻譯 他在農(nóng)場里養(yǎng)了幾只小雞。

  chimney/timni/ n.

  My parents once told me that the Santa Claus came in through the chimney in the

  Christmas Eve.

  猜一猜 A. 窗戶B. 煙囪C. 后門D. 屋頂

  翻譯 我爸爸媽媽曾經(jīng)告訴我:圣誕節(jié)前夜圣誕老人是從煙囪里進來的。



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