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Day 44

  opera / n.

  I used to go to opera house every week when I was in Paris.

  猜一猜  A. 歌劇B. 戲劇 C. 話劇 D. 肥皂劇

  翻譯  在巴黎時我每個星期都回去聽歌劇。

  joy/ n.

  His heart was filled with joy and gratitude.

  猜一猜  A. 苦楚 B. 絕望 C. 喜悅 D. 憎恨

  翻譯  他的內(nèi)心充滿了喜悅與感激之情。

  詞義擴展  n. 樂事,樂趣Her child is the greatest joy to he rafter her husbands death.丈夫死后,她的孩子就是她最大的快樂。

  近義詞  delight 高興,快樂,愉快; pleasure愉快,高興,快樂,滿足; happiness愉快,幸福

  cry /krai/ v.

  She cried for rather a long time because of the loss of her favourite dog.

  猜一猜  A. 哭,流淚 B. 叫,喊 C. 悲傷 D. 沉思

  翻譯  因為失去了心愛的狗, 她哭了很長時間。

  詞義擴展  v. 叫,喊 He cried out when his feet was pricked by a nail.他的腳被釘子扎了一下,痛得叫了起來。

  n. ① 哭泣,哭聲 After having a good cry, she felt much better.好好哭了一場之后, 她感覺好多了。② 叫喊, 喊聲 The shrill cry of the monkey frightened us a lot.猴子的尖叫聲下了我們一大跳。

  relax v.

  He had been dreading their meeting, but her warm welcome soon relaxed him.

  猜一猜  A. 興奮 B. 緊張 C. 平靜 D. 使松弛,放松

  翻譯  他一直對他們的會面感到恐懼,但她熱烈的歡迎很快讓他放松了。

  近義詞  ease

  scatter/ v.

  The police scattered the crowd.

  猜一猜  A. 召集 B. 驅(qū)散 C. 集合D. 拘捕


  詞根scatter “撒,分散”

  詞義擴展  v. 散布,散播 Seeds are scatterd in spring. 春天撒播種子。


  surface / n.

  Mirror has a smooth surface.

  猜一猜  A. 之后 B. 側(cè)面 C. 反射 D. 表面

  翻譯  鏡子有光滑的表面。

  大頭巧記  sur + face ——前綴,(在……之上,超出)+ 面—— 表面。

  近義詞  face外觀; outside外頭,外部,外面

  wire/ n.

  I need a coil of copper wire.猜一猜  A. 電燈 B. 金屬線 C. 盤子 D. 板子

  詞義擴展  n. 電報,電信 Please send me a wire before you come here. 你來之前請給我發(fā)一份電報。

  v. 發(fā)電報(給) Please wire me when you know the result. 等你知道結(jié)果了請給我發(fā)一份電報。

  wireless/ a.

  Our topic today is broadcast by wireless.

  猜一猜  A. 有線的 B. 高科技的 C. 無線的 D. 簡單的

  worm/ n.

  We need insecticide since it is full of worms in the soil.

  猜一猜  A. 蠕蟲B. 老鼠C. 雜草D. 毒藥

  nowhere/ ad.

  Nowhere can I find my keys.

  猜一猜  A. 到處 B. 空間 C. 任何地方都不 D. 所有地方都有

  翻譯  我的鑰匙到處都找不到。

  大頭巧記  no +where

  不,沒有 +地點,地方→沒有地方

  consider/ v.

  He is generally considered as an outstanding candidate.

  猜一猜  A. 認為B. 估計 C. 評價D. 尊重

  翻譯  他被公眾認為是一個杰出的候選人。

  詞義擴展  v. ① 考慮,細想 We have considered her application and decide to enroll her. 我們仔細考慮過她的申請決定錄取她。 ② 體諒,照顧 You are too young to consider your parents heart.hawk/hk/ n.

  Hawk is a kind of birds with sharp eyesight.

  猜一猜  A. 大雁 B. 喜鵲 C. 麻雀 D. 鷹

  翻譯  鷹是一種目光銳利的鳥。

  plaster / n.

  The plaster will dry before next Sunday.

  猜一猜  A. 油漆 B. 石灰 C. 油畫 D. 床單

  翻譯  這石灰要到下個星期天才能干。

  reason/ n.

  He was dropped for reasons of his laziness.

  猜一猜  A. 理由,原因 B. 假裝 C. 故事 D. 事實

  翻譯  他由于懶惰而下崗。

  詞義擴展  n. 理性,理智 My little brothers actions showed a lack of reason. 我弟弟的行為表明他缺乏理性。

  v. ① 推論,推理 Mans ability to reason makes him different from the animals. 人的推理能力使之區(qū)別與動物。 ② 說服,評理 She want to reason him out of the false belief. 她想說服他放棄那錯誤的信仰。 ③ 討論,辯論 He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we could finish the task before noon. 他辯論說如果我們黎明動手,則中午前可完成任務(wù)。

  by reason of 由于He was excused by reason of his age. 由于年齡原因,他被原諒了。

  近義詞  cause

  reasonable/ a.

  Whether it is a reasonable arrangement depends on the condition of the happenings.

  猜一猜  A. 原因 B. 合理的,有道理的 C. 理由 D. 理智的

  翻譯  這是否是一個合理的安排取決于事件發(fā)生的條件。

  分析  reason+able


  詞義擴展  ① 通情達理的 Be reasonable in your dealings with people and you will be respected.與人打交道時講道理就會受人尊敬。 ② 適度的 Nowadays wed better make advertising costs in reasonable proportion to the total cost of the product. 如今我們必須使花在廣告上的費用和產(chǎn)品的總價值相稱。

  近義詞  rational


  Are children secure from bombardments here?

  猜一猜  A. 逃避的 B. 安全的 C. 高興的D. 悲傷的

  分析  se這個詞根是“離開”的意思,cure是“關(guān)心”的意思。合起來就是不用關(guān)心,不需要操心的自然就是安全可靠的、放心的了。

  詞義擴展  v. ① 得到,獲得We have secured the support from the local people. 我們已經(jīng)獲得了當(dāng)?shù)厝罕姷闹С帧?② 防衛(wèi),保護 secure the city 保衛(wèi)城市。

  近義詞  assured, reliable

  security/ n.

  Women need a very strong sense of security.

  猜一猜  A. 信任 B. 狡詐 C. 安全 D. 出色

  mortal/ a.

  When she glanced at me, I seemed to have received a mortal blow.

  猜一猜  A. 致命的 B. 辛苦的 C. 頭暈?zāi)垦5?D. 興高采烈的

  翻譯  當(dāng)她瞥見我時,我感覺像受到了致命的一擊。

  大頭巧記  mort + al



  詞義擴展  a. ① 終有一死的 All creatures are mortal.一切生物都難免一死。② 人世間的

  Mortal suffering will teach us many unforgettable things.人世的苦難將教會我們很多難忘的事。

   n. 凡人Mortal will die one day without doubt.毫無疑問,凡人終有死的一天。

  近義詞  fatal, deadly

  mortgage/ n. /v.

  We can buy the new house only if a mortgage for $80000 is obtainable.

  猜一猜  A. 欠債 B. 抵押 C. 獎勵 D. 收入

  翻譯  只要能抵押到80000美圓,我們就能買下這幢新房子了。

  分析  mort + gage

  death + pledge→死亡時作的擔(dān)保,抵押(借款)

  大頭巧記  莫給急(音讀兼詞義記憶)抵押,小心拿不回來。

  大頭例句  I have to mortgage my house to pay off the debt.我不得不將房子抵押以還清債務(wù)。

  近義詞  finance, credit

  resolute/rezljut/ a.

  She is considered as a resolute and energetic leader.

  猜一猜  A. 勇敢的 B. 有毅力的 C. 果斷的 D. 有抱負的

  大頭巧記  前綴re“再”,solute表示解決,再一次解決表明態(tài)度的堅決,果斷。

  近義詞  firm,decided

  resolution/ n.

  Worst of all, I had no hope of shaking her resolution.

  猜一猜  A. 態(tài)度 B. 固執(zhí) C. 決心 D. 打算



  近義詞  determination

  詞義擴展  n. 決定,決議 A U.N. Security Council resolution demanded immediate release of the U.S. hostages in Teheran. 聯(lián)合國安理會的決議要求馬上釋放美國在德黑蘭的人質(zhì)。

  slip/slip/ n.

  One slip and you will fall off the cliff.

  猜一猜  A. 步子B. 尺 C. 米D. 滑倒

  翻譯  一滑倒就會掉下懸崖。



  詞義擴展  n. 疏忽,小錯誤,口誤,筆誤 a slip in the interview 面試時的一個口誤

  v. ① 滑落slip from the table 從桌子上滑下來② 滑走The criminal slipped from the jail. 罪犯從監(jiān)獄逃走了。

  近義詞  slide 滑倒

  slipper/slip/ n.

  Put on the slippers before you come in.

  猜一猜  A. 拖鞋B. 涼鞋 C. 雨鞋D. 皮鞋

  翻譯  進屋前穿上拖鞋。

  分析  slip雙寫p 加er


  slippery/ a.

  It feels very slippery to touch the fish.

  猜一猜  A. 滑溜的B. 干燥 C. 濕潤D. 難受

  分析  slip雙寫p加ery變成形容詞

  a slippery road 一條滑溜的街道

  vicinity / n.

  There isnt a good hospital in the immediate vicinity.

  猜一猜  A. 遠處 B. 樓下 C. 附近 D. 前面

  crop / n.

  Enough rain and sunshine is good for crops.

  猜一猜  A. 莊稼 B. 糧食 C. 樹木 D. 幼苗

  翻譯  足夠的陽光和雨水有利于莊稼的生長。

  詞義擴展  n. ① (谷物類等)一批收成Crop failure made the family bankrupt. 谷物歉收造成家庭的破產(chǎn)。 ② 一批,大量 A crop of graduates are waiting for the interview. 一批畢業(yè)生等著接見。

  pull/pul/ v.

  In the tugofwar, each team pulled the rope with great strength to win the game.

  猜一猜  A. 努力 B. 拉,拽 C. 牽引 D. 拔出

  翻譯  在拔河比賽中,為了能勝出,每個隊都使勁拉繩子。

  詞義擴展  n. ① 拉,拖I gave a pull at the boat to help it reach the bank. 我把小船拉到岸邊。② 拉力,牽引力 We are cycling down with the pull of the strong wind.. 我們順風(fēng)而下。

  pull down ① 拆毀,拉倒Workers are pulling down an old garage. 工人們正在拆毀一個舊車庫。 ② 拉下,降低 Dont be too proud ,or your may be pulled down. 不要太驕傲了,小心被拉下來。

  pull in (車)停下,進站,(船)到岸 The train from Beijing pulled in at 9:00. 北京來的火車9點到站。

  pull off 脫(帽,衣等) He pulled off his sweater and threw it into the box. 他把毛衣脫掉,扔到箱子里去了。

  pull on 穿,戴 Pull on your shoes before you come in. 進來之前,要先穿上鞋子。

  pull out ① 拔出,抽出,取出 I must go to the dentist to pull out this tooth. 我得到牙醫(yī)那里把這顆牙拔出來。 ② (車,船等)駛出 The ship is pulling out of the harbor. 船正駛出海港。③ 車輛減速 Our car should pull out on this road. 我們的車在這條路上應(yīng)該減速。

  pull up (使)停下 I pulled up my bike at the school gate. 我在校門口把車停下來。

  lamb/ n.

  The little lamb was caught by the wolf.

  猜一猜  A. 小狗 B. 小羊 C. 小兔子 D. 小老鼠

  翻譯  小羔羊被狼抓住了。

  詞義擴展  n. 羔羊肉The lamb is delicious to eat. 羔羊肉很好吃。

  近義詞  kid 小山羊;goat 山羊

  fulfill/fulfil/ v.

  One should fulfill ones promise.

  猜一猜  A. 填滿 B. 履行 C. 違背D. 塞入

  翻譯  我們應(yīng)該履行自己的諾言。

  大頭巧記  full(滿)-fill(填)→填滿,完全實現(xiàn)→ 履行,完成

  full/ful/ a.

  The bottle is full of milk.

  猜一猜  A. 滿的,充滿的 B. 少的 C. 詳細的D. 輕的

  翻譯  瓶子里裝滿了牛奶。

  詞義擴展  a./ad. 完全, 充分full understanding 充分理解

  donkey/ n.

  A donkey usually stands for a fool in our minds.

  猜一猜  A. 卡通B. 笑話 C. 驢D. 圖形

  incline/ v.

  Move to the left, the ship is inclining to the right side

  猜一猜  A. 下沉 B. 漂浮 C. 傾斜 D. 開往

  翻譯  往左邊去。船在向右傾斜。

  大頭巧記  in(towards)+clin(to bend彎曲) →朝……彎曲→傾斜

  詞義擴展  v. (使)傾向于Easy work inclines him to laziness.輕松的工作使他傾向于懶惰。 n. 傾斜 The north flank of the mountain has a gentle incline山的北側(cè)有一個緩坡。

  restrict/ v.

  Nobody is entitled to restrict others movement as they wish.

  猜一猜  A. 限制 B. 寬容 C. 干涉 D. 指責(zé)



  近義詞  curb, leash

  restriction/ n.

  His parents imposed the restriction of expenditure on him so that he could the ends meet.

  猜一猜  A. 約束B. 浪費C. 規(guī)則D. 條款



  近義詞  limitation

  sharp/ a.

  Put the sharp knife out of the reach of the children。

  猜一猜  A. 小的 B. 鈍的 C. 鋒利的D. 上銹的

  翻譯  不要把鋒利的剪刀放在小孩子能夠夠到的地方。



  詞義擴展  a. ① 輪廓分明的,鮮明的 As a good example to our composition ,this book gives a very sharp outline.這片文章的輪廓鮮明為我們的作文提供了一個好典型。② 急轉(zhuǎn)的,突然的There is a sharp rise on crime, as the result of the starvation. 大饑荒導(dǎo)致了犯罪率急劇的上升。③ 敏銳的,機警的 Dogs have much sharper sense of smell than any other animals. 狗的嗅覺比其他任何動物都敏銳。

  ad.(指時刻)正準 He arrived the railway station sharp at the point of the trains leaving.他到達火車站的時候火車正要開走。

  近義詞  nipping鋒利的

  ill / adj.

  Jane has fallen ill recently.

  猜一猜  A. 有病的 B. 忙碌的 C. 瘸的 D. 困倦的

  翻譯  最近簡生病了。

  詞義擴展  a. ① 壞的 He is a person of ill reputation.他名聲不好。② 惡意的 It seems that David always get ill luck.大衛(wèi)好像總是運氣不好。

  ad. 惡意地She has been ill treated by her stepmother.她受到了繼母的虐待。

  illness / n.

  He is a very healthy man and is seldom attacked by illness.猜一猜  A. 威脅 B. 疾病 C. 別人 D. 勞累

  翻譯  他很健康,很少受疾病侵擾。

  dense /dens/ a.

  Because of the dense fog, we have to stop our journey halfway.

  猜一猜  A. 討厭的B. 后悔的 C. 濃厚的,密集的D. 主要的

  翻譯  因為霧很大,我們不得不在中途停下來。

  density/densiti/ n.

  We can see the development of our country from the high density of buildings in cities.

  猜一猜  A. 豪華B. 高大 C. 密集D. 改變

  翻譯  從城市里高度密集的建筑可感受到我們國家的發(fā)展壯大。

  分析  dens(e)i+ ty


  dentist /dentist/

  You have to make an appointment with the dentist in advance because he is so busy.

  猜一猜  A. 牙醫(yī)B. 導(dǎo)師 C. 采訪D. 錄音室

  翻譯  牙醫(yī)很忙,你得事先預(yù)約。

  分析  dent+ ist


  inward /inwards   adv.

  Finally fold the paper inward, and then a paper crane is formed.

  猜一猜  A. 向外 B. 對半 C. 向內(nèi) D. 慢慢地

  翻譯  最后,把紙朝里折,這樣紙鶴就出來了。

  詞義擴展  a. 向內(nèi)的,在內(nèi)的,里面的The inward curve made the circle a whole.這段向內(nèi)的弧使這個圓完整了。

  近義詞  inner, internal, inside

  skirt/ n.

  The Scottish men used to wear skirts.

  猜一猜  A. 褲子B. 短褲 C. 襪子D. 裙子

  翻譯  蘇格蘭的男人過去穿裙子。


  邊緣,郊區(qū)the skirt of the city 市郊

  近義詞  dress 長裙

  twin /twin/ a.

  We are discussing the twin issues of inflation and unemployment.

  猜一猜  A. 孿生的 B. 雙的,成對的 C. 共同的 D. 并存的

  翻譯  我們在討論通漲和失業(yè)這兩個密切相關(guān)的問題。

  詞義擴展  n. 雙生子,孿生子 They are twins and they look the same.他們是雙胞胎,簡直看起來一個樣。

  twinkle / v./n.

  Stars twinkled in the sky.

  猜一猜  A. 發(fā)光 B. 隱隱約約 C. 歡樂 D. 閃爍,閃亮

  翻譯  星星在天空閃爍。

  wood/wud/ n.

  The table is made of wood.

  猜一猜  A. 木頭 B. 金屬 C. 塑料 D. 泡沫

  詞義擴展  (pl.)小森林,樹林They got lost in the woods.他們在一片小樹林里迷路了。

  wooden/wudn/ a.

  She is dreaming living in a wooden house.

  猜一猜  A. 鋼筋的 B. 水泥的 C. 鐵制的 D. 木制的


  呆笨的a wooden smile 呆滯的笑容

  retail/ n.

  Supermarkets can afford to retail wine at a couple of pence below the price charged by most wine dealers.

  猜一猜  A. 劣質(zhì) B. 優(yōu)良 C. 零售 D. 批發(fā)

  scream/ v.

  The wind screamed down the chimney.

  猜一猜  A. 尖叫 B. 大叫 C. 叫喊 D. 呼聲

  翻譯  風(fēng)從煙囪口呼嘯而下。

  大頭巧記  scream可擬聲記憶成“死個人”,因為看見死人而發(fā)出尖叫聲,嚎叫

  詞義擴展  n.尖叫聲,嚎叫 the scream of excitement 激動的尖叫聲

  tight /tait/ a.

  The box is too tight for me to open it.

  猜一猜  A. 重的 B. 緊張的C. 珍貴的 D. 緊的

  翻譯  盒子太緊了我打不開。

  大頭巧記  “tight”與“tie”諧音,“tie” 有捆綁之意,“tight”同樣與捆綁相關(guān),但它強調(diào)結(jié)果,綁“緊”了。

  詞義擴展  a. ① 緊身的,緊的 I hate that pair of shoes; it is a pair of painfully tight ones. 我討厭那雙鞋,它緊的腳痛。 ② 密封的,不透…的 A tight ship means one that doesnt leak. 不漏水的船

  ad. 緊緊的Hold tight! 抓緊了!

  attach/ v.

  She carefully attached labels to my luggage.

  猜一猜  A. 處理B. 消除 C. 縛,系,貼D. 鉆研

  翻譯  她仔細地把標簽貼到我的行李上。

  分析  [根] tach(= stick 粘附)→

  [生] attach 連接,使附屬,detach 拆卸,使分開



  詞義擴展  使依附,使隸屬,使依戀He was strongly attached to his family. 他對他的家庭有著強烈的感情。

  be attached to 隸屬于,附屬于This company is attached to a foreign enterprise.這家公司附屬于國外一家企業(yè)。

  近義詞  connect, fasten, join, link

  attack/ v.

  We launched a feint attack on the enemy and thus they fell prey to us.

  猜一猜  A. 解散B. 攻擊,抨擊 C. 解決D. 視察

  翻譯  我們發(fā)動一場佯攻,敵人果然中計了。

  詞義擴展  v. 著手,開始 a plan of action to attack unemployment 著手花大力氣解決失業(yè)問題的行動計劃

  n. (病) 發(fā)作 a heart attack 心臟病突發(fā)

  attain / v.

  He has attained his pilots license.

  猜一猜  A. 達到,獲得B. 體驗 C. 歸功于D. 照顧

  翻譯  他已經(jīng)拿到了飛行證。

  分析  at + tain →

  加強語氣 + 觸及

  absolute/ a.

  Do you believe there is such a thing as absolute truth?

  猜一猜  A. 忽略的B. 在乎的 C. 絕對的D. 可能的

  翻譯  你認為有絕對的真理這樣的東西存在嗎?

  分析  ab(from)+solute=solvere(to loosen) 解開,不受約束即絕對的

  詞組  absolute construction 獨立結(jié)構(gòu)

  absolute equalitarianism 絕對平均主義

  amuse/ v.

  He has a strong sense of humor to amuse others.

  猜一猜  A. 激怒B. 逗笑 C. 思考D. 喜歡

  翻譯  他富于幽默感,能使人發(fā)笑。

  大頭例句  He amused us for hours with stories and jokes.他給我們講故事,說笑話,讓我們樂了好幾個小時。

  近義詞  delight(使)高興,(使)娛樂;entertain娛樂,款待;recreate(使)得到娛樂

  amusement/ n. 詞義  娛樂,消遣;消遣活動

  大頭例句  He was in charge of amusement of the foreign visitors.他負責(zé)款待外賓。

  近義詞  entertainment娛樂,款待;recreation消遣,娛樂;distraction娛樂,分心;diversion娛樂,解悶

  anxiety/ n.

  They were waiting for the competition results with anxiety.

  猜一猜  A. 高興B. 焦急 C. 痛苦D. 自信

  翻譯  他們焦急地等待著比賽的結(jié)果。

  大頭巧記  詞干an(g)意為勒死,窒息;后綴iety為名詞詞尾;令人窒息的東西,引申為焦急,憂慮,焦慮,掛念。

  詞義擴展  n. 渴望,熱望Those new students have an anxiety for knowledge.那些新生渴望獲得知識。

  近義詞  worry憂慮,焦急

  anxious/ a. (about)憂慮的,擔(dān)心的,焦急的;渴望的

  大頭巧記  詞干an(g)意為勒死,窒息;后綴ious為形容詞詞尾;令人窒息的,引申為憂慮的,擔(dān)心的,焦急的;渴望的

  大頭例句  The parents felt anxious about their childrens safety.父母們很擔(dān)心孩子們的安全。

  近義詞  worrying焦慮的,擔(dān)心的;stewed焦慮不安的

  approval/ n.

  The authoritys approval is a precondition of the implementation of the plan.

  猜一猜  A. 批準B. 支持C. 反對D. 權(quán)力

  翻譯  當(dāng)局的批準是這項計劃實施的前提條件。

  大頭巧記  前綴ap=ad,to;詞干prov檢查,考試;通過檢查,引申為贊同,同意;認可,批準

  大頭例句  You should gain the guards approval before entering the palace.你進入宮殿前,必須得到警衛(wèi)的同意。

  近義詞  consent同意,贊成;assent贊成,同意;ratification批準

  approve/ v.

  The directorate approved the managers creative plan.

  猜一猜  A. 吃驚B. 支持C. 反對D. 批準

  翻譯  董事會批準了經(jīng)理富有創(chuàng)意的計劃。

  大頭巧記  前綴ap=ad,to;詞干prove檢查,考試;通過檢查,引申為贊同,同意;批準,審定,通過

  大頭例句  The decision was approved 182 to 46 in the parliament.議會以182票對46票通過了那項決議。

  近義詞  consent同意,贊成;assent贊成,同意;ratify批準

  badly/ ad.

  He behaved so badly in the class that the teacher scolded him seriously.

  猜一猜  A. 無恥地B. 令人氣惱地

  C. 惡劣地D. 遲疑地

  詞義擴展  嚴重的,非常,厲害的 She was badly injured by his words. 他的話嚴重傷害了她。

  bat/ n.

  The bat is nowhere to be found.

  猜一猜  A. 葡萄酒B. 感冒 C. 球拍D. 外套

  詞義擴展  蝙蝠He dashed around like a bat out of hell.他發(fā)瘋似的橫沖直撞。

  behalf/ n.

  Parents should think twice before a divorce on the behalf of the child.

  猜一猜  A. 利益B. 爭議C. 發(fā)展D. 獨立

  分析  be + half →

  好處 + 一半

  on behalf of 代表,為了Dont be uneasy on my behalf.別為我擔(dān)心。

  近義詞  interest, profit, benefit

  behave/ v.

  Out of everyones expectation, she behaved quite well in the performance.

  猜一猜  A. 相信B. 接待 C. 表現(xiàn),舉止D. 代表

  分析  be + have →

  使 + 擁有,有

  大頭巧記  自己擁有并使表現(xiàn)出來的,即自己的行為,舉止。

  詞義擴展  運轉(zhuǎn),開動The equipment behaved poorly after so many years service.這些設(shè)備年代久了,已不太能運轉(zhuǎn)自如了。

  近義詞  conduct, demeanor, manner

  behavior/ n.

  His behavior improved under the strict discipline of the school.

  猜一猜  A. 明智B. 專心 C. 期待D. 行為,舉止

  詞義擴展  (機器的)特性Hows your new cars behavior? 你的新車好使嗎?

  isotope/ n.

  C32 and C12 are isotopes of C element.

  猜一猜  A. 同位素 B. 分離體 C. 晶體 D. 棱形體

  翻譯  C32 和C12 是碳元素的同位素。

  大頭巧記  iso+ tope - equal+place - 化學(xué)中在相同的位置的東西:同位素

  miss/mis/ n.

  Miss Zhang was my English teacher when I was in junior high school, and he gave me very deep impression.

  猜一猜  A. 小姐B. 老師 C. 太太 D. 先生

  詞義擴展  v. ① 未擊中,錯過,沒達到 The falling rock just missed my head.掉下來的石頭幸好沒擊中我的頭。②   漏掉 The printers had missed out a word.打印員漏掉了一個單詞。③  惦念 You cant imagine how I missed the bird.你無法想像我是多么惦念那只鳥。

  missing/ a.

  The village was launched to find out that missing child.

  猜一猜  A. 失蹤的B. 想念的 C. 貪玩的D. 死去的

  翻譯  整個村子的人都被發(fā)動起來尋找那個失蹤的孩子。



  peninsula/ n.

  The Shandon Peninsula lives on the northeast of China.

  猜一猜  A. 半島B. 島嶼 C. 海礁D. 海灣

  翻譯  山東半島在中國的東北部。

  近義詞  byland

  promote/ v.

  All the countries in the world, especially powerful countries, should promote world peace and stability.

  猜一猜  A. 加速 B. 擁護 C. 發(fā)展 D. 促進

  翻譯  世界上所有的國家,尤其是大國,應(yīng)該促進世界的和平和穩(wěn)定。

  分析  pro +mot +e


  大頭巧記  remote 意為“遙遠的”,p擬聲記憶成“不”,目標不遙遠,就應(yīng)極力促進進程的發(fā)展,助長事物的前進

  詞義擴展  ① 提升,提拔He was promoted to be CEO. 他被提升為CEO。② 增進,助長We should promote friendship between two teams. 我們應(yīng)該增進兩隊間的友誼。

  近義詞  enhance

  resemblance/ n.

  Resemblance of the two novels proves that the authter is a plagiarer.

  猜一猜  A. 關(guān)系 B. 相似,相似處 C. 反映 D. 缺點

  翻譯  兩篇小說的相似證明了這個作者是一個剽竊者。

  分析  resembl+ance

  像 +名詞詞尾→相似處

  resemble/ v.

  There would be about 10 million other planets in the universe that could physically resemble the earth.

  猜一猜  A. 聚集 B. 類似 C. 模仿 D. 相應(yīng)

  翻譯  在宇宙中可能有很多星球的物質(zhì)構(gòu)成與地球類似。

  ring/ n.

  She wears a wedding ring to show that she has married.

  猜一猜  A. 禮服 B. 婚紗 C. 戒指 D. 項鏈



  詞義擴展  n. ① 圓環(huán),圓 The age of a tree is told by the number of the rings in the wood.樹的年齡是從木頭上圓環(huán)狀條紋的圈數(shù)而得知的。② 鈴聲,按鈴 The ring of the bell filled the air. 鈴聲響徹空中。③ 打電話 give sb a ring Give me a ring if you can come. 如果你能來給我打電話。

  v. ① 按鈴,敲鐘 She rang the bell to summon the nurse.她按鈴叫護士。 ② (up)打電話 He rang the number,but failed to get a connection.他撥了號碼但沒接通。

  ring off 掛電話She had rang off before I can speak more.在我還沒來得及多說之前她已掛了電話。

  should/ aux./v.

  You should not drink and drive.

  猜一猜  A. 立刻B. 應(yīng)該 C. 首先D. 然后

  翻譯  你不應(yīng)該酒后開車。

  詞義擴展  ① shall的過去式 He asked whether he should go to the party without partner.他問他是不是可以不帶舞伴去參加舞會。② [表示假設(shè)] 萬一,竟然 What rather took me aback was he should say such terrible thing to his father. 他竟然能對他的父親說出那種話來真使我大吃一驚。③ [表示說話者意愿]就,該 I should come to her house if she invites me.只要她邀請,我就去她家里。④ [表示可能,推測]可能 she should finish her work on Friday and return on Sunday. 她可能在星期五做完工作,星期天回來。

  近義詞  ought to 應(yīng)該

  shoulder/ n.

  “I am strong enough to carry our family!” my 16 years old brother said, slapping himself on his shoulder.

  猜一猜  A. 胸口B. 肩膀 C. 胳膊D. 脊背

  翻譯  我十六歲的弟弟拍拍自己的肩膀說:“我已經(jīng)強壯的可以養(yǎng)活整個家了。”

  詞義擴展  v. 肩負,承擔(dān)He will not let her shoulder all the blames for the mistake alone. 他是不會讓她為那個錯誤獨自承擔(dān)所有的責(zé)備的。

  Spanish/ n.

  Do you speak Spanish?

  猜一猜  A. 英語B. 漢語 C. 西班牙語D. 意大利語



  詞義擴展  a. 西班牙(人)的,西班牙語的Spanish customs 西班牙的風(fēng)俗

  state / n.

  He has got a serious cold and he is not in the suitable state to participate the competition.

  猜一猜  A. 身材 B. 衣著打扮 C. 國家 D. 狀態(tài)

  翻譯  他染上了嚴重的感冒,因而沒有參加比賽的良好狀態(tài)。

  詞義擴展  ① n. 國,州The United States consists of 51 states. 美利堅合眾國由五十一個州組成。

  v. 陳述,說明He failed to state his view clearly during the debate and ended up with defeat. 他在辯論中沒有陳述清楚自己的觀點,結(jié)果輸了。

  近義詞  condition狀態(tài),情形; situation 情況,處境

  statement/ n.

  Statements should be based on facts.

  猜一猜  A. 故事 B. 聲明 C. 推理 D. 聯(lián)想

  翻譯  說話要有根據(jù)。


  state + ment ——陳述 +名詞詞尾

  近義詞  declaration宣言,聲明; announcement:通告,聲明

  statesman / n.

  He used to be a well known statesman and now has retired.

  猜一猜  A. 政治家 B. 主任 C. 病人 D. 詩人

  翻譯  他以前曾是位著名的政治家,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)退休了。

  大頭巧記  state + man ——陳述 +人——到處演講的人——政治家

  stubborn/ a.

  The old man was described as stubborn as a mule.

  猜一猜  A. 頑固的 B. 堅強的 C. 懦弱的 D. 愉快的

  翻譯  那位老人被描繪成十分固執(zhí)。

  詞義擴展  難對付的,難以克服的It is a little bit stubborn to lift the stone. 那塊石頭不大好舉起來。

  merry/meri/ a.

  It was a fine chance to see the sights of the city, and the party had a merry time.

  猜一猜  A. 團聚的 B. 幸福的 C. 激動的 D. 歡樂的

  翻譯  能一覽這座城市的風(fēng)光是一個極好的機會,人們玩得很高興。


  merry(近音:marry) →結(jié)婚是歡樂的

  diary/ n.

  The middleaged woman has still kept her diary in the age of her youth.

  猜一猜  A. 禮物B. 日記,日記簿 C. 記憶D. 寵物

  翻譯  那位中年婦女仍然保留著她少女時代的日記簿。

  flavour/ n.

  The wine retains pure French flavour.

  猜一猜  A. 出品 B. 制造 C. 風(fēng)味D. 風(fēng)光

  翻譯  這個葡萄酒帶有純正的法國風(fēng)味。

  大頭巧記  flavor (服了味)→因為有獨特的味道而使人傾倒→風(fēng)味

  詞義擴展  v. 給…調(diào)味He flavored his noodle with chili sauce, for he felt it was not peppery enough. 他在面條里面加了辣醬,因為他感覺面條不夠辣。

  近義詞  taste, essence

  gymnasium/gym  / n.

  She always go to gymnasium to keep fit.

  猜一猜  A. 體操房B. 健身房 C. 運動場D. 操場

  翻譯  她經(jīng)常去健身房健身以保持體形。

  gloomy/ a.

  The gloomy sky depressed me.

  猜一猜  A. 高遠的B. 陰沉的C. 黑色的D. 明亮的

  翻譯  陰沉的天空令我心情沮喪。

  近義詞  dark, dismal, depressing


  He intended that his son should inherit his business.

  猜一猜  A. 立遺囑 B. 堅持說 C. 不同意 D. 打算,企圖

  翻譯  他有意讓他的兒子繼承他的生意。

  近義詞  want

  move / v.

  They refused to move their houses from near airport.猜一猜  A. 搬家 B. 答復(fù)C. 打發(fā)D. 擔(dān)負翻譯  他們拒絕搬離飛機場附近。

  詞義擴展  ① 活動 Unless the government move in time, there will be a big riot.如果政府不及時采取行動,將會有大的暴動發(fā)生。② 感動,激動I was moved by their warm reception.他們的盛情令我感動不已。③ n. 移動,活動,行動The police followed him, watching closely his every move.警察緊跟著他,密切注視著他的一舉一動。

  movement / n.

  I detected a slightest movement in the bush.

  猜一猜  A. 翻供B. 活動C. 統(tǒng)計D. 調(diào)節(jié)

  翻譯  我發(fā)現(xiàn)草叢中有動靜。

  詞義擴展  移動,遷移 They can observe enemy troop movement by satellite. 他們可以借助衛(wèi)星觀測到敵軍的調(diào)動。

  大頭巧記  move +  ment


  pile /pail/ n.

  There are a pile of books on the desk.

  猜一猜  A. 一堆B. 一瓶C. 一張D. 一塊

  翻譯  桌子上有一堆書。



  詞義擴展  v. (up)堆,疊,堆積 Pile the books into a stack. 把書堆起來。

  近義詞  batch,collection

  king/ n.

  The king was hanged for the abuse of his power.

  猜一猜  A. 執(zhí)行官 B. 宰相 C. 國王 D. 縣令

  翻譯  國王因濫用手中的權(quán)力而被處以絞刑。frustrate/frstreit/ v.

  The bad result of GRE frustrated him to go aboard for further study.

  猜一猜  A. 阻撓B. 鼓勵C. 禁止D.  推動

  翻譯  GRE不理想的考試結(jié)果阻撓了他出國深造。

  correct / adj.

  Find the correct answer when you hear the tape recording.

  猜一猜  A. 相應(yīng)的 B. 相反的 C. 正確的 D. 簡明的

  翻譯  聽到磁帶錄音后選出正確答案。

  詞義擴展  v. 改正,糾正,矯正 Correct the mistakes in your paper and hand in to your teacher tomorrow.把你論文中的錯誤改正過來,明天交給你的老師。

  erase/  v.詞義  擦掉;刪去

  estate/n.詞義  地產(chǎn),房地產(chǎn)

  Friday/fraidi/ n.

  I have a dating this Friday.

  猜一猜  A. 星期一 B. 星期二 C. 星期三D. 星期五

  翻譯  星期五我有一個約會。

  miracle/ n.

  It must have been a miracle to the onlookers.

  猜一猜  A. 新奇的事 B. 趣事 C. 逸事 D. 奇跡

  翻譯  旁觀者來說那一定是個奇跡。


  miro+cle, 驚奇+東西→讓人驚奇的東西


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