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普通文章 上海市50家單位網(wǎng)上接受咨詢和報(bào)名
普通文章 北京大學(xué)生“就業(yè)之家”研究生專場招聘場面火爆
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DAY 66

  violin/vailin/ n.

  He is good at playing the violin.

  猜一猜 A. 鋼琴B. 笛子C. 吉他D. 小提琴

  翻譯 他很擅長拉小提琴。

  sentimental/sentimentl/ a.

  Hearing the sentimental music, she recalled the sad stories of her childhood.

  猜一猜 A. 歡快的B. 感傷的

  C. 悠揚(yáng)的D. 勁暴的

  翻譯 聽了這些傷感的音樂,她回想起了自己童年時(shí)候的悲慘故事。

  cup/kp/ n.

  She speaks no word with me for three whole days because I broke her favorite cup


  猜一猜 A. 杯子B. 面子C. 珍品D. 古董

  翻譯 因?yàn)槲掖蚱屏怂膼鄣谋?,她整整三天沒和我說話。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. ① 獎(jiǎng)杯,優(yōu)勝杯He won this cup in national volleyball championsh

  ip. 他在全國排球錦標(biāo)賽中奪得獎(jiǎng)杯。 ② (一)杯;一杯的容量“a cup of tea, please

  !” 請上一杯茶。

  benefit/benifit/ n.

  Complying with the traffic law would be to everyones benefit.

  猜一猜 A. 紀(jì)律B. 利益,恩惠

  C. 捐贈(zèng)D. 體面

  翻譯 遵守交通規(guī)則符合每個(gè)人的利益。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. ① 有益于He benefited from the experience of his last failure, a

  nd succeeded finally. 他吸取了上次失敗的教訓(xùn),終于成功了。 ② 受益These faciliti

  es have benefited the whole town. 這些設(shè)施使全城受益。

  badge/bd/ n.

  When taking photos,he wears all the badges he has ever gained.

  猜一猜 A. 徽章B. 輕視C. 寵物D. 娛樂

  翻譯 拍照時(shí),他總是把他得過的所有獎(jiǎng)?wù)露即髟谏砩稀?/FONT>

  diagram/dairm/ n.

  The instructor explained his idea through a diagram.

  猜一猜 A. 助手B. 圖表C. 網(wǎng)頁D. 事實(shí)

  翻譯 老師用一個(gè)圖表來解釋他的觀點(diǎn)。

  分析 dia+ gram

  across+ 寫 → 畫,圖解,圖表

  cash/k/ n.

  I will bring $1000 in cheque and $200 in cash.

  猜一猜 A. 現(xiàn)金B(yǎng). 存折C. 支票D. 信用卡

  翻譯 我將帶上1 000美元支票和200美元現(xiàn)金。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 兌現(xiàn),付(或收)現(xiàn)款Can you cash my travelers cheques here? 你


  近義詞 bank note;bill;currency

  cashier/ki/ n.

  She works as a cashier in the supermarket.

  猜一猜 A. 印鈔員B. 管理員

  C. 收銀員,出納員D. 清潔工人

  翻譯 她的工作是超市收銀員。

  分析 cash + ier

  現(xiàn)金+ 表示人的名詞詞尾 → 收現(xiàn)金的人

  cannon/knn/ n.

  We can still find ancient cannons made in Qing Dynasty in museum.

  猜一猜 A. 武器B. 儀器C. 火炮D. 箭

  翻譯 我們現(xiàn)在仍然能在博物館里看到清朝制造的火炮。

  victim/viktim/ n.

  They are the victims of the atomic bomb.

  猜一猜 A. 功臣B. 制造者

  C. 旁觀者D. 受害者

  翻譯 他們是那次原子彈爆炸的受害者。

  weed/wid/ n.

  We have to pull up the weeds in the field.

  猜一猜 A. 糧食B. 作物C. 雜草D. 害蟲

  翻譯 我們得拔掉田里的雜草。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 除草,鋤草The garden needs weeding. 花園該除草了。

  shift/ift/ n.

  Do not try to shift the responsibility to others. You must do it yourself.

  猜一猜 A. 推卸B. 強(qiáng)加C. 轉(zhuǎn)嫁D(zhuǎn). 承擔(dān)

  翻譯 不要試圖把責(zé)任轉(zhuǎn)嫁給別人,要自己做自己的工作。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 移動(dòng)The cargo has shifted. 貨物移動(dòng)了位置。

  n. 轉(zhuǎn)換,轉(zhuǎn)變There is a shift in her manner from serious to sarcastic. 她的態(tài)度


  deputy/depjuti/ n.

  He will be my deputy to deal with all problems in the company during my absence.

  猜一猜 A. 代理人B. 助手

  C. 投資者D. 新人

  翻譯 我不在期間,他將作為我的代理人處理公司事務(wù)。


  a. 副的,代理的a deputy major 副市長

  channel/tnl/ n.

  The young man is going to swim across the English Channel.

  猜一猜 A. 海峽B. 海灣C. 運(yùn)河D. 江流

  翻譯 這個(gè)年輕人將游過英吉利海峽。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. ① 頻道,波道 Would you like to change a channel? 可以換一個(gè)頻道

  嗎? ② 路線,途徑Y(jié)oud better solve the problems through the proper channels.


  dot/dt/ n.

  Seeing from far away the island is just a dot on the horizon.

  猜一猜 A. 比喻B. 點(diǎn),圓點(diǎn)C. 模糊D. 幻想

  翻譯 從遠(yuǎn)處看該島只是水天交接處的一個(gè)黑點(diǎn)。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 在…上打點(diǎn)You have to dot these important words. 你得把這些重要


  blossom/blsm/ n.

  The blaze of various blossoms dazzled her.

  猜一猜 A. 花B. 發(fā)芽C. 種子D. 果實(shí)

  翻譯 萬紫千紅的花令她眼花繚亂。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 開花The cherry trees blossomed early this year. 今年的櫻花開得特


  近義詞 flower; bloom

  compel/kmpel/ v.

  The local residents are compelled to move away from their hometown.

  猜一猜  A. 勸說B. 驅(qū)趕C. 強(qiáng)迫D. 準(zhǔn)備

  翻譯  當(dāng)?shù)鼐用癖黄劝岢黾覉@,背井離鄉(xiāng)。

  glow/lu/ v.

  The sun was glowing high in the sky.

  猜一猜 A. 刺痛B. 發(fā)冷C. 發(fā)熱D. 激動(dòng)

  翻譯 太陽在高空中照耀。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 熾熱,光輝The glow of the sun dries up the vast land. 陽光熾熱,


  stripe/straip/ n.

  The Stars and Stripes rose to the music.

  猜一猜 A. 一點(diǎn)B. 條紋C. 打擊D. 評價(jià)

  翻譯 星條旗〔美國國旗〕隨著音樂緩緩升起。

  近義詞 line 條紋,皺紋,掌紋;bar (光、色等的)線,條,帶;strip 條帶,長條;

  band 帶,繩

  tick/tik/ n.

  The girl sat in the hall alone listening the tick of the clock.

  猜一猜 A. 滴答聲B. 運(yùn)動(dòng)C. 報(bào)時(shí)D. 鬧鐘

  翻譯 女孩獨(dú)自坐在大廳里聽著時(shí)鐘的滴答聲。

  分析 tick 一詞的發(fā)音很像鐘表走動(dòng)時(shí)的滴答聲,可以將它看作擬聲詞。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 勾號(hào)Mark the correct answer with a tick. 在正確答案上劃上一個(gè)勾


  v. ① 滴答響The time is ticking, and we must hurry up. 時(shí)間匆匆流逝,我們必須抓

  緊。 ② 打勾號(hào)于The jobs that are done have been ticked off. 做完的工作已經(jīng)做


  veil/veil/ n.

  She raised her veil to make sure what she has seen.

  猜一猜 A. 面紗B. 頭C. 帽子D. 袖子

  翻譯 她撩起面紗好確定她所看見的一切。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 用面紗遮蓋,掩飾a veiled woman 一位蒙著面紗的婦女

  wax/wks/ n.

  We are going to visit the museum of wax models this afternoon.

  猜一猜 A. 銅B. 鐵C. 石頭D. 蠟

  翻譯 我們下午要去參觀蠟像館。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 打蠟Be careful! The floor has been waxed. 小心!這地板剛剛打過蠟


  optional/pnl/ a.

  We have many optional courses in the third grade in University.

  猜一猜 A. 熱心的B. 任選的

  C. 富饒的D. 莊嚴(yán)的

  翻譯 在大學(xué)三年級(jí)我們有很多自選課。

  hell/hel/ n.

  Hell is a place where bad guys would suffer a lot.

  猜一猜 A. 宮殿B. 住宅C. 地獄D 別墅

  翻譯 地獄是個(gè)讓壞人受罪的地方。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 苦境,極大的痛苦The journey was absolute hell. 一路上吃盡了苦頭


  chief/tif/ a.

  The chief purpose of this organization is to help the poor people.

  猜一猜 A. 艱巨的B. 主要的

  C. 長期的D. 不可推卸的

  翻譯 這個(gè)組織的主要目的是幫助窮人。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 領(lǐng)袖,首領(lǐng)The strong black man with long hair is the chief of th

  is Indian tribe. 那個(gè)長頭發(fā)的高大的黑人是這個(gè)印第安部落的首領(lǐng)。

  chiefly/tifli/ ad.

  This company is chiefly concerned with producing clothes this year.

  猜一猜 A. 前面地B. 主要地

  C. 不置可否地D. 無法改變地

  翻譯 今年這家公司主要生產(chǎn)服裝。

  分析 chief + ly

  主要的+ 副詞后綴 → 主要地

  bread/bred/ n.

  They are the bread winners, the protectors of their families.

  猜一猜 A. 便飯B. 面包C. 肌肉D. 硅谷

  翻譯 他們養(yǎng)家糊口,保護(hù)他們的家人。

  breadth/bred/ n.

  He has walked the breadth and length of china.

  猜一猜 A. 深度B. 寬度C. 距離D. 濃度

  翻譯 他走遍了中國的大江南北。

  分析 broad (寬) + th (…度)

  calculate/klkjuleit/ v.

  My mother calculated the traveling expense as soon as we went back home.

  猜一猜 A. 報(bào)告B. 排除C. 計(jì)算D. 記錄

  翻譯 媽媽一回家就計(jì)算我們旅行的費(fèi)用。

  分析 calc+ ul+ate

  lime石灰+ 表示小的詞尾+ 動(dòng)詞詞尾 →


  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 推測,估計(jì)Its difficult to calculate what effect the entry of

  WTO will have on China. 入世給中國帶來的影響是很難估計(jì)的。

  近義詞 compute 計(jì)算;count 數(shù),點(diǎn)數(shù);figure 計(jì)算,圖示;predict 預(yù)測;estima

  te 估計(jì)

  conceal/knsil/ v.

  He tried hard to conceal his marriage from his family.

  猜一猜 A. 說服B. 隱瞞C. 提前D. 破壞

  翻譯 他極力對他的家人隱瞞他的婚姻。

  近義詞 cover;disguise;hide;obscure

  cheque/check/tek/ n.

  Would you like to pay in cheque or in cash?

  猜一猜 A. 記賬B. 簽約C. 支票D. 賒欠

  翻譯 你想付支票還是現(xiàn)金?

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 總收入The cheque of my family is about $40000 a year. 我家一年


  dirt/dt/ n.

  The headmaster will come to examine our classroom and we need to get the dirt of

  f the walls.

  猜一猜 A. 污物,污垢B. 宣傳畫

  C. 標(biāo)語D. 筆記

  翻譯 校長將來檢查教室,我們得把墻上的污垢去掉。

  plenty/plenti/ a.

  There is plenty of water in the valley.

  猜一猜 A. 強(qiáng)大的B. 豐富的

  C. 沖力的D. 清甜的

  翻譯 在峽谷中有豐富的水資源。

  thesis/isis/ n.

  I have to finish my doctoral thesis this week.

  猜一猜 A. 學(xué)位B. 考試C. 論文D. 論題

  翻譯 這個(gè)星期我必須完成我的博士論文。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. ①論點(diǎn)The most important thing is to argue your thesis clearly.

  最關(guān)鍵的是要清楚地闡述你的論點(diǎn)。 ② 論題What is your thesis in the debate? 辯論


  unusual/njuul/ a.

  Such a cold weather is quite unusual here.

  猜一猜 A. 平常的B. 寶貴的

  C. 不平常的D. 難得的

  翻譯 這樣冷的天氣在這里是很不尋常的。

  sham/m/ n.

  All her kindness and elegance is completely a sham.

  猜一猜 A. 美德B. 淺薄C. 羞恥D. 虛偽

  翻譯 她的善良和優(yōu)雅完完全全是一種虛偽。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 a. 假冒的,虛偽的The expert has keen sense of the sham jewelers and

  real ones. 這位專家對真假珠寶感覺敏銳。

  ion/ain/ n.

  Ion is a small particle.

  猜一猜 A. 離子B. 電子C. 塵埃D. 細(xì)末

  翻譯 離子是很小的粒子。

  race/reis/ n.

  Next Sunday there will be a boat race between two classes in our grade.

  猜一猜 A. 模型B. 比賽C. 種族D. 水流

  翻譯 下周日我們年級(jí)的兩個(gè)班將進(jìn)行一場劃船比賽。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 人種,種族Dont treat black people with race prejudice. 不要對


  v. 全速前進(jìn),(使)比速度,競賽He has raced twice in boating competition last ye

  ar. 去年他參加了兩次劃船比賽。

  近義詞 contest

  obvious/bvis/ a.

  This is an obvious mistake.

  猜一猜 A. 弱智的B. 識(shí)破的

  C. 顯而易見的D. 疲勞的

  翻譯 這是個(gè)很明顯的錯(cuò)誤。

  organ/n/ n.

  The eyes, stomach and lungs are all organs of human body.

  猜一猜 A. 風(fēng)氣B. 器官C. 輪廓D. 頻率

  翻譯 眼睛,胃以及肺都是人體的器官。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 風(fēng)琴She plays the organ everyday. 她每天都練習(xí)手風(fēng)琴。

  siren/sairin/ n.

  The assistant tuned on the siren at the sight of robber.

  猜一猜 A. 燈B. 滅火器

  C. 報(bào)警器D. 制冷器

  翻譯 助手一看到強(qiáng)盜就打開了報(bào)警器。

  近義詞 warning 警報(bào)

  rake/reik/ n.

  The rake drawn by a horse or tractor is quite ineffective.

  猜一猜 A. 拖車B. 耙子,耙機(jī)

  C. 機(jī)器D. 鋤頭

  翻譯 由馬或拖拉機(jī)拉的耙子沒什么用。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. ① 耙rake the soil 耙地 ② 搜索,探索I will rake about among my

  papers and see if I can find it. 我將查找一下我的文件,看能否找到它。

  district/distrikt/ n.

  Natural resources abounds in this district, which bring a lot of fortune to peo

  ple living there.

  猜一猜 A. 練習(xí)B. 研究C. 地區(qū)D. 礦藏

  翻譯 這個(gè)地區(qū)自然資源十分豐富,給當(dāng)?shù)鼐用駧砹司薮筘?cái)富。

  分析 dis+ trict

  加強(qiáng)意義 + 限制,約束 → 地區(qū),行政區(qū)

  近義詞 area 范圍,區(qū)域

  check/tek/ v.

  Youd better check your car before you start a long journey.

  猜一猜 A. 清洗B. 維修C. 檢查D. 出售

  翻譯 開始旅行之前你最好檢查一下你的車。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. ① 制止,控制 Jane turned aside quickly, checking her urge to la

  ugh out loudly. 簡很快轉(zhuǎn)過身去制止自己笑出聲來。 ② (憑票)托運(yùn)或寄存I will che

  ck my baggage this afternoon. 今天下午我就去托運(yùn)行李。

  n. ① 檢查,核對Please open the box; we are going to conduct regular check. 請打

  開盒子,我們要例行檢查。 ② 方格圖案,格子織物Susan wants to buy a new check shi

  rt. 蘇珊想買一件格子襯衣。

  詞組 check in 辦理登記手續(xù)We should check in the hotel first and then buy a

  map of this city. 我們應(yīng)該先在旅館里登記,然后買一張這個(gè)城市的地圖。

  check out ① 結(jié)賬后離開The man didnt check out but left stealthily. 那個(gè)人沒有

  結(jié)賬就悄悄地離開了。 ② 檢查,核查The car stopped suddenly; he had to check out

  immediately. 車突然停下來了,他只好下來檢查。

  check on 校對,檢查,檢驗(yàn)The police checked on every person present. 警察檢查


  brochure/bruju/ n.

  Youd better buy a holiday brochure if you want to have a holiday in Canada.

  猜一猜 A. 地圖B. 小冊子,說明書

  C. 必需品D. 紀(jì)念品

  翻譯 如果你想去加拿大旅游,你最好買一本度假指南。

  block/blk/ n.

  Blocks of stone were jolted down from the truck.

  猜一猜 A. 圓周B. 大塊(石料等)

  C. 塑料模板D. 板塊

  翻譯 一些大塊石料從車上顛了下來。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. ① 一排房屋,街區(qū)a tower block 高層建筑 ② 阻塞Iraqis stubborn

  attitude was the major block to the peace talks of the Middle East. 以色列的頑


  v. 阻塞,封鎖A large crowd blocked the corridors and exits. 人群把走廊和出口都堵


  近義詞 bar; impede; hinder; obstruct

  arrange/reind/ v.

  You are responsible to arrange the windowcases.

  猜一猜 A. 整理,布置B. 保存

  C. 促進(jìn)D. 協(xié)助

  翻譯 你負(fù)責(zé)整理櫥窗。

  分析 ar+ range

  加強(qiáng)意義+ 分類,分級(jí) → 整理

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 安排,籌備Ive arranged that they should arrive at the same tim

  e. 是我故意安排讓他們同時(shí)到達(dá)。

  basic/beisik/ a.

  The basic principles were ruthlessd violateld by the youth.

  猜一猜 A. 基本的B. 至關(guān)重要的

  C. 無謂的D. 固定的

  翻譯 年輕人肆無忌憚地破壞了所有的基本原則。


  /pldaiz/ v.

  He apologized for being rude to her yesterday.

  猜一猜 A. 后悔B. 懲罰C. 安慰D 道歉

  翻譯 他為昨天的粗魯向她道歉。

  分析 apo+ log+ ize

  免除+ 說話+ 動(dòng)詞詞尾 → 為開脫而說 → 道歉,認(rèn)錯(cuò)

  大頭例句 He apologized to her for stepping on her foot. 他因?yàn)椴攘怂哪_而向


  apology/pldi/ n.

  The naughty boy made his apology to the headmaster.

  猜一猜 A. 安慰B. 道歉C. 后悔D. 懲罰

  翻譯 那個(gè)調(diào)皮的男孩向校長道了歉。

  分析 apo+ log+ (g)y

  免除+ 說話+ 名詞詞尾 → 為開脫而說 → 道歉,認(rèn)錯(cuò)

  大頭例句 I am writing to express my apology for having not attended the meet

  ing. 我寫信來對我未能參加例會(huì)而表示歉意。

  allowance/luns/ n.

  The orphan can get an amount of allowance from the government.

  猜一猜 A. 工資B. 津貼C. 利息D. 貸款

  翻譯 那個(gè)孤兒能從政府那里得到一筆補(bǔ)助費(fèi)(津貼)。

  大頭例句 Every postgraduate is paid a subsistence allowance in the country.


  詞義擴(kuò)展 make allowance(s) for 考慮到,顧及;體諒,原諒We should make allowa

  nce for potential market before largescale production. 在大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)之前,我們


  近義詞 backshish 津貼,小賬; subsidy 補(bǔ)助金,津貼; subvention 補(bǔ)助金

  all/l/ a./pron./ad.詞義 a. 所有的,全部的

  pron. 一切,全部

  ad. 完全,都,十分

  詞組 above all 首先,首要,最重要的是

  after all 終于,畢竟;雖然這樣After all, it isnt too late for remedy now. 畢竟


  all but 幾乎,差一點(diǎn);除…之外都It seems all but impractical to finish the task

  in such a short time. 在這么短的時(shí)間內(nèi)完成這項(xiàng)工作幾乎是不切實(shí)際的。

  all out 全力以赴,竭盡全力They went all out to serve the people. 他們竭盡全力為


  all over 遍及,到處The heartening news spread all over immediately. 振奮人心的消


  all right 行,可以;順利,良好She is going along all right with her new roommate

  s. 她和新室友相處得還可以。

  at all 完全,根本He is absorbed in music at all. 他完全陶醉在音樂之中。

  in all 總共,總計(jì)Eleven foreigners in all died in the terror attack. 共有十一個(gè)


  not at all 一點(diǎn)也不She doesnt like meat at all. 她一點(diǎn)也不喜歡吃肉。

  announce/nauns/ v.

  The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain.

  猜一猜 A. 訴說B. 檢查C. 慶祝D. 宣布

  翻譯 政府宣布他們將修建一條通向山區(qū)的新公路。

  分析 an + nounce

  to+ nounce = to report 做報(bào)告即宣布,通告,發(fā)表

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 報(bào)告…的來到Would you announce the guests as they come in ? 客


  近義詞 state v. 陳述,敘述;declare v. 宣布, 宣告, 聲明;notify v. 通告, 宣

  告;proclaim v. 宣布, 聲明

  announcer/nauns/ n.

  Television announcer reads news to us.

  猜一猜 A. 導(dǎo)演B. 演員C. 播音員D. 編劇

  翻譯 電視播音員報(bào)新聞給我們聽。

  分析 announce + er

  通告+ 表“人”的名詞詞尾 → 做報(bào)告的人 → 播音員,報(bào)幕員

  consent/knsent/ v.

  I dont quite consent that he is chosen to be our leader.

  猜一猜 A. 相信B. 擔(dān)心C. 同意D. 理解

  翻譯 我不同意他當(dāng)我們的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。

  分析 con+ sent

  together+ to feel → 共同地感覺到,同意,答應(yīng)

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 同意The workers refused their consent to dismiss the factory. 工


  近義詞 approve; agree

  capsule/kpsjul/ n.

  Most of children hate to take the capsules.

  猜一猜 A. 針劑B. 藥味C. 膠囊D. 中藥

  翻譯 大多數(shù)小孩討厭服膠囊。


  n. 太空艙huge capsule 巨大的太空艙

  awake/weik/ v.

  He automatically awoke when the morning light flooded in.

  猜一猜 A. 喚醒,喚起B(yǎng). 謹(jǐn)防

  C. 討厭D. 試探

  翻譯 清晨的陽光射進(jìn)屋里,喚醒了他。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 覺醒,認(rèn)識(shí)到Im fully awaked to the fact that Im in a trap.


  a. 醒著的,警覺的He lay awake all night due to the extraordinary homesickness.


  近義詞 wake up; waken

  associate/suieit/ v.

  I associate his bad behavior with his difficult childhood.

  猜一猜 A. 記憶B. 使聯(lián)系C. 準(zhǔn)備D. 堅(jiān)持

  翻譯 我想他的不良行為可能和他不幸的童年有關(guān)。

  分析 as + sociate

  到 + 聯(lián)合 → 使聯(lián)合

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. ① 交往,結(jié)合We associate with our neighbors at church. 我們在教

  堂里結(jié)交了鄰居們。 ② 合作人,伙伴,同事a business associate 商業(yè)伙伴 My assoc

  iates and I work for the city government. 我和我的同事們都為市政府工作。

  a. 副的an associate editor 副主編 an associate member of the club 俱樂部的非正


  近義詞 accomplice; colleague; companion; comrade

  association/suiein/ n.

  The Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries has been

  playing an important role in enhancing the friendly relationship between China

  and other countries.

  猜一猜 A. 通訊B. 學(xué)習(xí)

  C. 協(xié)會(huì),團(tuán)體D. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)

  翻譯 中外友好關(guān)系協(xié)會(huì)在加強(qiáng)中外友好關(guān)系上一直發(fā)揮著重要作用。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. ① 聯(lián)合,聯(lián)系The association between the two companies stretches

  back thirty years. 這兩個(gè)公司間的交往從30年前延續(xù)至今。 ② 聯(lián)想Black was consid

  ered inappropriate because of its associations with death. 黑色容易使人產(chǎn)生死亡


  book/buk/ n.

  One glance at the leatherbound book can ensure you that it must be a bestsel


  猜一猜 A. 蠟燭B. 油畫C. 洞天D. 書(籍)

  翻譯 只需看一眼這本皮面的書就知道它一定是暢銷書。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 卷,篇,冊Miltons Paradise Lost consists of twelve books. 彌爾


  v. 預(yù)訂,訂(票,房間等)Its advisable for you to book seats beforehand in cas

  e of crowds. 你最好是先預(yù)訂座位,以免到時(shí)人太多。

  change/teind/ n.

  I will call you tomorrow, if I change the plan.

  猜一猜 A. 完成B. 改變C. 實(shí)施D. 起草

  翻譯 如果計(jì)劃有變,我明天給你打電話。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 零錢,找頭Dont forget your change before leaving. 走之前別忘了


  v. ① 變更,調(diào)換,交換His new radio didnt work, so he took it back and changed

  it for another one. 他新買的收音機(jī)出問題了,所以他拿去換了一個(gè)。 ② 改變,變化

  Mary has changed a lot during the years in Canada. 在加拿大呆了幾年,瑪麗改變了


  deer/di/ n.

  The boy shouted excitedly at the sight of a herd of deer.

  猜一猜 A. 鹿B. 野生動(dòng)物

  C. 新鮮事D. 好消息

  翻譯 看到那群鹿,小男孩高興得叫了起來。

  mushroom/mrum/ n.

  There are many mushrooms in this forest.

  猜一猜 A. 技術(shù)B. 蘑菇C. 閃爍D. 呼吸

  翻譯 這林子里有很多蘑菇。

  orchestra/kistr/ n.

  Beyond is a famous orchestra.

  猜一猜 A. 運(yùn)動(dòng)B. 優(yōu)點(diǎn)C. 深入D. 樂隊(duì)

  翻譯 Beyond是一個(gè)很有名的樂隊(duì)。

  rim/rim/ n.

  The wagon wheel had an iron rim.

  猜一猜 A. 邊框B. 外殼C. 輪緣D. 支架

  翻譯 馬車輪子的邊緣是鐵制的。



  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. 邊界We stood on the canyons rim. 我們站在峽谷的邊緣。

  近義詞 edge; border

  study/stdi/ v.

  I studied English when I was in university.

  猜一猜 A. 庫存B. 車C. 研究D. 評價(jià)

  翻譯 我在大學(xué)里學(xué)習(xí)英語。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 細(xì)察,仔細(xì)端詳Let me study the map of Huangshan Mountain before

  we travel there. 在我們?nèi)S山旅游之前,我先研究好黃山的地圖。

  n. 學(xué)習(xí),書房He never left his study before he solved the math problem. 在解決那


  reign/rein/ v.

  The British Queen reigns but not rule.

  猜一猜 A. 統(tǒng)治,支配B. 休息

  C. 學(xué)習(xí)D. 生活

  翻譯 英國女王統(tǒng)而不治。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 盛行,占優(yōu)勢With a bumper harvest in sight, joy reigned over the

  peasants. 豐收在即,農(nóng)民們充滿了歡樂。

  n. ① 統(tǒng)治,統(tǒng)治時(shí)期,支配under the reign of Henry VIII 在亨利八世的統(tǒng)治下 ② 朝


  近義詞 rule

  fro/fru/ ad.

  He is walking to and fro in front of me.

  猜一猜 A. 上, 下B. 來來回回

  C. 前前后后D. 進(jìn), 出

  翻譯 他在我面前走來走去。

  claim/kleim/ v.

  The suspect claimed to be set free in 48 hours.

  猜一猜 A. 質(zhì)疑B. 要求C. 威脅D. 拒絕

  翻譯 這個(gè)嫌疑犯要求48小時(shí)之內(nèi)被釋放。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 v. 聲稱,主張The spokesman of the government claimed that the gover

  nment has carried out new policies. 政府發(fā)言人聲稱政府已經(jīng)采取了新的政策

  n. ①要求His claim is not reasonable. 他的要求不合理。 ② 主張,斷言The prophet

  s claim is proved to be wrong. 先知的斷言被證明是錯(cuò)誤的。 ③ 索賠The claim for

  compensation was dismissed, for it is considered as a cheat. 對這個(gè)索要補(bǔ)償?shù)囊?/FONT>

  求不予考慮,因?yàn)槟潜划?dāng)成一種欺詐行為。 ④ 權(quán)利,要求權(quán),所有權(quán)She has no claim o

  n my uncles wealth. 她沒有我叔叔的財(cái)產(chǎn)的所有權(quán)。

  大頭巧計(jì) You can claim on the insurance if you have an accident. 如果發(fā)生意外事


  近義詞 demand 要求;request 請求,要求;require 請求;solicit請求,懇求;all

  ege 聲稱;announce 宣告,宣布;maintain 主張,擁護(hù)

  decompose/dikmpuz/ v.

  Organic compounds decompose on heating.

  猜一猜 A. 合成B. 融化C. 分解D. 反應(yīng)

  翻譯 有機(jī)化合物加熱即分解。

  分析 de+ compose

  否定前綴 + 組合,合成 → 分解

  lunar/ljun/ a.

  Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope.猜一猜 A

  . 太陽的B. 月亮的

  C. 海洋的D. 大地的

  翻譯 通過小望遠(yuǎn)鏡可以清楚地看到月缺食。

  詞組 lunar calendar 農(nóng)歷Today is Sep.9 according to lunar calendar. 按陰歷計(jì)


  solar/sul/ a.

  Solar energy, with its safety, effectiveness and inexhaustibility, will be more

  and more widely used in future.

  猜一猜 A. 地?zé)岬腂. 太陽的C. 沼氣的D. 水的

  翻譯 太陽能安全有效而且取之不盡、用之不竭,將來會(huì)被越來越廣泛地使用。

  分析 sol+ ar

  太陽+ 形容詞后綴 → 太陽的

  vowel/vaul/ n.

  Vowel is a basic element of pronunciation.

  猜一猜 A. 輔音B. 元音C. 氣流D. 語調(diào)

  翻譯 元音是發(fā)音的基本要素。

  ash// n.

  The garbage was burned into ashes.

  猜一猜 A. 家庭B. 灰,灰燼C. 毒素D. 細(xì)菌

  翻譯 垃圾都被燒成了灰燼。

  大頭例句 Ashes were all that remained of her books after that fire. 大火過后


  couple/kpl/ n.

  A couple of weeks passed, but he has gone nowhere.

  猜一猜 A. 月份B. 年份

  C. (一)對,(一)雙D. 一打

  翻譯 幾個(gè)星期過去了, 他仍舊毫無進(jìn)展。

  詞義擴(kuò)展 n. ① 夫婦The coulpe divorced after several years of marriage. 這對

  夫妻結(jié)婚幾年后就離婚了。 ② 力偶,電偶Coulpe is a physical term. 力偶是一個(gè)物理


  v. 連接,結(jié)合He sent for an employee to couple the two items. 他讓一個(gè)雇員把兩個(gè)




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