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DAY 64

  map/mp/ n.

  It is a delightful little village, but few people know of it, as its off the m


  猜一猜 A. 地圖B. 地球C. 地方D. 存在

  翻譯 這是一個很漂亮的小村莊,但是很少人知道,就好像它不在地圖上似的。

  lonely/lunli/ a.

  I shall have a companion in the house after all these lonely years.

  猜一猜 A. 寂寞的B. 傷心的

  C. 可憐的D. 悲慘的

  翻譯 孤單地度過了這么多年,我想找個伴了。

  大頭例句 He felt extremely lonely. 他感到極度地寂寞。

  cheap/tip/ a.

  The houses in the center of London are not cheap, so few people can afford them


  猜一猜 A. 經(jīng)濟B. 便宜C. 舒服D. 方便

  翻譯 倫敦市中心的房子不便宜,很少有人買得起。

  詞義擴展 a. 低價的,不值錢的The poor girl wore some cheap jeweler. 那個窮酸


  近義詞 depreciated 減價的,貶值的;lowpriced 低價的

  creep/krip/ v.

  He creeps towards her and catches a kiss.

  猜一猜 A. 蹲B. 坐C. 站D. 爬行

  翻譯 他悄悄爬到她面前,吻了她一下。

  詞義擴展 v. (植物)蔓延The vine creeps all over the wall. 葡萄藤爬滿了整個


  grip/rip/ v.

  The old man gripped the stick to avoid falling down.

  猜一猜 A. 撐著B. 貼著C. 緊抓D. 盯著

  翻譯 這個老人緊緊地抓住拐杖以免摔倒。

  詞義擴展 n. 緊握,緊抓She managed to get a grip on her feeling at the news o

  f her husbands faithlessness. 當(dāng)聽說她丈夫不忠時,她努力控制住了自己的感情。

  lock/lk/ n.

  When he returned home, he found the lock of the front door was picked.

  猜一猜 A. 鑰匙B. 門C. 鎖D. 窗

  翻譯 當(dāng)他回到家時,發(fā)現(xiàn)前門的鎖被撬了。

  詞義擴展 v. 鎖上,鎖Make sure you lock the door when you go out. 出門的時候


  plot/plt/ n.

  The plot was discovered by the king.

  猜一猜 A. 政策B. 條理C. 陰謀D. 花園

  翻譯 陰謀被國王發(fā)現(xiàn)了。

  詞義擴展 n. ① 小塊土地They have a vegetable plot in their garden. 他們的花

  園里有一塊菜地。 ② 情節(jié)The plot is too complex. 這個故事的情節(jié)太復(fù)雜了。

  v. ① 標(biāo)繪,繪制plot a ships course 繪出船的航程圖 ② 密謀,策劃They are plot

  ting to rob a banker of a valuable diamond. 他們密謀從一位銀行家那搶劫一塊珍貴的


  近義詞 blueprint; chart

  shriek/rik/ v.

  “Give back my son!” she shrieked.

  猜一猜 A. 大哭B. 大笑C. 感嘆D. 尖叫

  翻譯 “把我的兒子還給我!”她尖叫道。

  詞義擴展 n. 尖叫,叫喊She gave a loud shriek and dropped the pan. 她大叫一聲


  近義詞 shout,cry ,scream,大叫,尖叫

  noon/nun/ n.

  He usually gets up at noon.

  猜一猜 A. 深夜B. 中午C. 凌晨D. 匆忙

  翻譯 他一般中午離家。

  shell/el/ n.

  Many little girls are collecting shells on the beach.

  猜一猜 A. 藻類植物B. 珍珠

  C. 鹽粒D. 貝殼

  翻譯 很多小女孩在海灘上撿貝殼。

  詞義擴展 n. 炮彈An artillery shell destroyed the building. 這座建筑物被炮彈


  stir/st/ v.

  He stirred his coffee with his spoon.

  猜一猜 A. 加入B. 打碎C. 敲打D. 攪拌

  翻譯 他用勺子攪拌咖啡。

  詞義擴展 v. ① 動,搖動The wind stirred her hair. 風(fēng)吹動她的頭發(fā)。 ② 激動Th

  e story stirred up the boys imagination. 故事激起孩子的想像。 ③ 轟動The news

  stirred quit a long time in the small village. 那條消息在這個小村里引起了相當(dāng)長

  時間的轟動。 ④ 煽動,鼓動He was fired for he stirred up the trouble among the w

  orkers. 他由于在工人中挑起事端,因此被解雇了。

  近義詞 mix 混,混合,攙和;blend 混合,攙和,混雜,摻雜;swirl 打轉(zhuǎn);whisk


  nor/n/ conj.

  He can neither read nor write.

  猜一猜 A. 非常B. 也不C. 凡是D. 全部

  翻譯 他既不會讀也不會寫。

  silly/sili/ a.

  The silly girl still hold the thought of her cold hearted boyfriend taking her a

  way together.

  猜一猜 A. 天真B. 傻的C. 聰明D.清楚

  翻譯 那個傻女孩還一直認(rèn)為她那硬心腸的男朋友會把她一起帶走。

  近義詞 stupid 愚蠢的;foolish 傻瓜似的

  ease/iz/ v./n.詞義 v. 減輕,使舒適,使安心

  n. 容易,舒適,悠閑

  大頭例句 The doctor gave him some painkillers to ease the pain. 醫(yī)生給了他一


  He jumped over the river with ease. 他很輕松就跳過了河。

  fleet/flit/ n.

  East China Sea Fleet, the wellknown Chinese navy, gathered at Tai Wan channel,

  waiting for being dispatched.

  猜一猜 A. 飛船B. 飛碟C. 陸軍D. 艦隊

  翻譯 中國著名的海軍艦隊——東海艦隊聚集在臺灣海峽,時刻等待派遣。

  mosaic/mzeiik/ n.

  I like this design in mosaic.

  猜一猜 A. 子彈B. 鑲嵌體C. 魔術(shù)D. 欣賞

  翻譯 我喜歡這種鑲嵌圖案。

  boom/bum/ v.

  Tourism is booming recently due to the revival of the economy.

  猜一猜 A. 興旺,發(fā)展B. 漲高

  C. 壓抑D. 擴散

  翻譯 經(jīng)濟開始復(fù)蘇,旅游業(yè)也興旺起來。

  大頭巧計 [漢] 隆隆 → 興隆

  [英] boom 隆隆聲 → 興隆

  詞義擴展 v. 發(fā)出隆隆聲 The great bell tolled with a deep boom. 大鐘口當(dāng)口當(dāng)


  近義詞 develop; prosper;thrive;bang;resonate;resound;roar

  chill/til/ n.

  In winter, there is strong chill in the air.

  猜一猜 A. 露水B. 霧水C. 寒氣D. 水氣

  翻譯 冬天的空氣寒氣逼人。

  詞義擴展 v. 使寒冷The North wind chilled me. 北風(fēng)使我感覺寒冷。

  decay/dekei/ v.

  Mary advises me to eat fewer sugars because they can decay teeth.

  猜一猜 A. 解決B. 腐爛C. 減少D. 影響

  翻譯 瑪麗建議我少吃點糖,因為它們能腐蝕牙齒。

  詞義擴展 v. 衰退,減退Our powers decay in old age. 我們的體力在老年時衰退。

  n. ① 腐朽,腐爛tooth decay 蛀牙 ② 衰減,衰退The university has fallen into de

  cay in latest 50 years. 那所大學(xué)在最近50年里衰退了。

  近義詞 wither 枯萎,衰退; perish 腐爛,死亡

  chapter/tpt/ n.

  In chapter 13, the hero and the heroin get divorced.

  猜一猜 A. 章,回B. 次C. 冊D. 集

  翻譯 第13章里男女主人公離婚了。

  近義詞 part 部分;section 部分,節(jié)

  sponsor/spns/ v.

  All the senates sponsored together for a new law, which would guarantee the equ

  al rights between men and women.

  猜一猜 A. 簽名B. 討論C. 起草D. 發(fā)起

  翻譯 所有的參議員共同倡議法律賦予男性和女性平等的權(quán)利。

  分析 spons+ or

  約,愿望+ 表示“人”的后綴 → 發(fā)起人,發(fā)起

  詞義擴展 n. 發(fā)起人,主辦者,保證人The sponsors of the project withdrew their

  capital taking account of the possible risk. 考慮到可能的風(fēng)險,主辦者紛紛從該工


  近義詞 advocate

  rush/r/ v.

  People rushed to California in hopes of becoming rich.

  猜一猜 A. 聚集B. 集合C. 沖進D. 行駛

  翻譯 人們沖向加利福尼亞期望發(fā)財。

  詞義擴展 v. ① 奔,急速流動Water rushed out of huge tunnels. 水從巨大的隧道

  里奔流而出。 ② 沖,急速行進Then there was the mad rush not to be late for schoo

  l. 然后出現(xiàn)了一場趕著上學(xué)的瘋狂沖動。

  a. 交通繁忙的You are supposed to be delayed at rush hours. 你在交通高峰期很有可


  symmetry/simitri/ n.

  Symmetry is one the main features of Chinese traditional architecture.

  猜一猜 A. 對稱性B. 整體C. 層次D. 標(biāo)志

  翻譯 對稱性是中國傳統(tǒng)建筑的主要特點之一。

  詞義擴展 n. 勻稱,整齊The painter was attracted by the beauty of symmetry of

  the models body. 畫家被模特的身材的勻稱美吸引住了。

  confine/knfain/ a.

  The current educational system confines our knowledge to books exclusively.

  猜一猜 A. 傳授B. 驗收C. 鑒別D. 限制

  翻譯 當(dāng)前的教育制度把我們的知識僅局限于書本上。

  分析 Con+ fine

  together + to end → 共同的界限

  詞義擴展 v. 管制,禁閉It is cruel to confine wild animals in cages. 把野生動


  近義詞 restrict; restrain

  flare/fl/ v./n.詞義 閃耀,閃爍

  大頭例句 The glowworms were flaring in the sky of summer night. 螢火蟲在夏夜


  詞組 flare up 突然燃起來;突然發(fā)怒Bob flared up when we were talking about M

  ary and Johns marriage. 我們談?wù)摤旣惡图s翰的婚禮時,鮑勃突然發(fā)火了。

  近義詞 sparkle 閃耀,閃爍;twinkle 閃爍,閃光;flicker 閃動,閃爍

  hint/hint/ n.

  She smiled to give him a hint that he should go.

  猜一猜 A. 暗示B. 告訴C. 告誡D. 提醒

  翻譯 她對他微笑暗示他應(yīng)該走了。

  詞義擴展 v. 暗示,示意My teacher has hinted to me that I had got the prize

  . 我的老師已經(jīng)暗示我得獎了。

  近義詞 imply;insinuate;tip

  regime/reiim/ n.

  When a Chinese mentions the old regime, he refers to the government existing bef

  ore the liberation.

  猜一猜 A. 情況B. 歷史

  C. 國家D. 政體,制度

  翻譯 如果一個中國人提起舊的政體,他指的是解放以前的政府。

  scold/skuld/ v.

  The child was scolded for getting his shoes and socks wet.

  猜一猜 A. 抱怨B. 受苦

  C. 責(zé)罵,訓(xùn)斥D. 輕蔑

  翻譯 這個孩子因弄濕鞋襪受到責(zé)備。

  大頭巧計 shout 是大叫的意思,cold 冷淡的,shout+cold=scold冷冷地大叫就是在訓(xùn)


  mutual/mjutjul/ a.

  We are willing to do business with any country on the basis of equality and mutu

  al benefit.

  猜一猜 A. 彼此的B. 個體的

  C. 多邊的D. 從上而下的

  翻譯 我們愿意與任何國家在平等互利的基礎(chǔ)上進行貿(mào)易。

  分析 mut + ual

  變化+ 形容詞后綴 → 你變我也變 → 相互的,彼此的

  pretext/pritekst/ n.

  He fled away under the pretext of seeing a doctor.

  猜一猜 A. 期望B. 泰然C. 借口D. 調(diào)和

  翻譯 他借口看醫(yī)生給溜了。

  delete/dilit/ v.

  Several words have been deleted from the article by the editor as to make the st

  ructure concise.

  猜一猜 A. 調(diào)整B. 修改C. 刪除D. 重寫

  翻譯 編輯刪除了那篇文章中的幾個字,以使結(jié)構(gòu)變得簡潔。

  近義詞 omit 省略,刪節(jié)

  coarse/ks/ a.

  Poor people can only afford coarse food and clothing.

  猜一猜  A. 粗劣的B. 土氣的

  C. 免費的D. 家常的

  翻譯 窮人只能負(fù)擔(dān)得起粗劣的衣食。

  大頭巧計 coat,外套,去掉t; rose,玫瑰,去掉o, 既無外套,又無玫瑰,生活委實


  詞義擴展 a. 粗魯?shù)模炙椎腡he country lad who often spoke dirty words adopte

  d coarse manners. 那個經(jīng)常講粗話的鄉(xiāng)下小伙子舉止粗俗。

  corn/kn/ n.

  Corn was main food of the Indians.

  猜一猜 A. 玉米B. 小麥C. 水稻D. 面粉

  翻譯 玉米是印第安人的主食。

  affirm/fm/ v.

  The witness affirmed the suspects guilty in the court.

  猜一猜 A. 斷言B. 證明C. 否認(rèn)D. 穩(wěn)固

  翻譯 在法庭上,證人堅持聲稱疑犯有罪。

  分析 af+ firm

  ad, to+ 堅固的,穩(wěn)固的 → 聲稱,斷言,肯定。

  大頭例句 The region affirmed its independence from the whole country. 那個地


  近義詞 assert斷言,聲稱;declare宣稱,斷言;pronounce宣告,斷言

  affirmative/fmtiv/ a.

  The government gave an affirmative reaction to the peoples request.

  猜一猜 A. 反對的B. 穩(wěn)定的

  C. 變化的D. 肯定的

  翻譯 政府對群眾提出的要求作出了肯定的回應(yīng)。

  大頭例句 When I got his affirmative reply, I felt quite released. 當(dāng)我得到他


  近義詞 affirmatory確定的,肯定的;positive肯定的,確實的;sure確信的,可靠的

  tissue/tisju/ n.

  Please bring me a box of tissue if you go shopping this afternoon.

  猜一猜 A. 牙簽B. 火柴

  C. 香皂D. 紙巾、薄絹、織物

  翻譯 如果你下午去購物的話,幫我?guī)б缓屑埥怼?/FONT>

  詞義擴展 n. (動、植物的)組織The tissues have been destroyed and a scar has

  formed. 那些組織受損了,結(jié)了疤。

  background/bkraund/ n.

  The general background should be viewed from all aspects of society.

  猜一猜 A. 前途B. 理想

  C. 背景,經(jīng)歷D. 前夕

  翻譯 必須從各個角度來考察當(dāng)時總的社會背景。

  分析 back+ ground

  后,背+ 地,地面 → 背景

  agency/eidnsi/ n.詞義 n. 代理(處),代辦處

  聯(lián)想記憶 詞干ag=act,實行,做;后綴ency名詞詞尾;實行的地方,做的地方,引申


  大頭例句 The customers decided to bring a charge of deceit against the trave

  l agency. 顧客決定以欺騙罪起訴那家旅行社。

  eternal/i()tnl/ a.

  Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs!

  猜一猜 A. 光榮的B. 尊敬的

  C. 不屈的D. 永久的

  翻譯 革命先烈永垂不朽!

  近義詞 everlasting永恒的,持久的;permanent永遠的;perpetual永久的;perdurab


  lane/lein/ n.

  There are many flowers on both sides of the lanes.

  猜一猜 A. 林陰路B. 大街C. 馬路D. 小路

  翻譯 小路兩邊有很多鮮花。

  craft/krft/ n.

  Making jewels reguires great crafts.

  猜一猜 A. 藝術(shù)B. 工藝C. 方法D. 書畫

  翻譯 制造珠寶需要高超的工藝。

  詞義擴展 n. 飛機,飛船The Chinese astronauts piloted our craft down to the l

  unar surface. 中國宇航員駕駛著飛船去月球表面。

  moan/mun/ n.

  The moans of those wounded soldiers were echoing in the wards of the hospital.

  猜一猜 A. 歌唱B. 呻吟C. 叫喊D. 痛苦

  翻譯 那些受傷士兵的呻吟聲在醫(yī)院的病房回響。

  詞義擴展 v. 呻吟,悲嘆He was moaning all night long, and we cant fall asle

  ep the whole night. 他整個晚上都在呻吟,我們一夜都不能入睡。

  rat/rt/ n.

  Girls are always scared of little rats.

  猜一猜 A. 精靈B. 妖怪C. 貓D. 老鼠

  翻譯 女孩子們通常很怕小老鼠。

  consensus/knsenss/ n.

  There is a broad consensus of opinion in the university on this issue.

  猜一猜 A. 意見一致B. 分歧

  C. 興趣D. 忌諱

  翻譯 全校上下對這件事情形成了一致意見。

  分析 con+ sens(us)

  together+ to feel → 全部都感覺得到,達成一致意見。

  近義詞 consent;agreement;harmony

  ever/ev/ ad.詞義 ad. 在任何時候;曾經(jīng)

  詞組 for ever 永遠She will remember the terrible day for ever. 她將永遠記住那


  horn/hn/ n.

  The young male deer has sprouted horns.

  猜一猜 A. 牙齒B. 毛皮C. 角D. 傷口

  翻譯 這頭小公鹿已經(jīng)開始長角。

  詞義擴展 n. ① 號,喇叭This is a French horn. 這是一只法國號。 ② 角狀物His

  smart car is decorated with horn which is painted red. 他那輛帥氣的汽車用涂成紅

  色的角狀物裝飾。 ③ 角制品 There is a horn hung on the wall of our sitting room.


  nest/nest/ n.

  Alan found a bird nest in the tree.

  猜一猜 A. 風(fēng)年B. 科普C. 納涼D. 窩巢

  翻譯 艾倫發(fā)現(xiàn)樹上有個鳥窩。

  詞義擴展 v. 筑巢The ducks are nesting by the lake. 那些鴨子在湖邊筑巢。

  pie/pai/ n.

  Have some more pie.

  猜一猜 A. 紙牌B. 餡餅C. 玩具D. 照片

  翻譯 再吃點餡餅吧。

  small/sml/ a.

  She has a very small boy.猜一猜 A. 淘氣B. 聽話C. 快樂D. 小的

  翻譯 她有一個小男孩。

  spot/spt/ n.

  What have you done? Why there are so many spots of mud on your trousers?

  猜一猜 A. 塊B. 點C. 片D. 團

  翻譯 你干什么了,怎么褲子上有這么多泥斑?

  詞義擴展 n. ① 場所This is the very spot where the president was murdered.


  v. ① 認(rèn)出She spotted her father in the crowd at last. 她終于在人群中認(rèn)出了她的

  父親。 ② 玷污white clothes spots easily 白衣服容易臟 ③ 用點做記號Im used to

  spotting on the book during reading. 看書時,我習(xí)慣在上面用點做記號。

  詞組 on the spot 當(dāng)場,在現(xiàn)場He was hit by a rushing car and killed on the s

  pot. 飛馳而來的汽車把他當(dāng)場撞死了。

  近義詞 stain;speck

  tag/t/ n.

  Can you please tell me where the tag is?

  猜一猜 A. 價格表B. 標(biāo)簽C. 賬單D. 收據(jù)

  翻譯 你能告訴我標(biāo)簽在哪里嗎?

  近義詞 brand 牌子,商標(biāo);label 標(biāo)簽,簽條;mark 記號,標(biāo)記

  porcelain/pslin/ n.

  China is famous for its porcelain and silk.

  猜一猜 A. 絲綢B. 古董C. 瓷器D. 建筑

  翻譯 中國以瓷器和絲綢而出名。

  詞義擴展 a. 精制的,瓷器的The porcelainfaced woman was his sister. 長得像


  Russian/rn/ n.

  Threequarters of Russians live in the cities。

  猜一猜 A. 日本人B. 法國人

  C. 西班牙人D. 俄國人

  翻譯 四分之三的俄國人住在城市。詞義擴展 a. 俄羅斯的,俄國的,俄國人的,

  俄語的He is an Russian writer. 他是一個俄國作家。

  slack/slk/ a.

  Her skin grows slack in her forties.

  猜一猜 A. 蒼老B. 白皙C. 松弛D. 枯萎

  翻譯 她四十多歲的時候皮膚變得很松弛。

  詞義擴展 a. 蕭條的a slack business 蕭條的生意

  n. ① 淡季,蕭條a slack of sweater 毛衣銷售淡季 ② [pl.] 運動褲,便褲a pair of

  slacks 一條運動褲

  近義詞 loose 松弛

  thorn/n/ n.

  I appreciate the novel Thorn Bird very much.

  猜一猜 A. 荊棘B. 自由C. 天堂D. 希望

  翻譯 我非常喜愛《荊棘鳥》這本小說。

  versus / vs./vss/ prep.

  The score of the game in which China vs. Cuba is 4 to 2.

  猜一猜 A. 對抗B. 挑戰(zhàn)C. 學(xué)習(xí)D. 練習(xí)

  翻譯 中國隊對抗古巴隊的那場比賽比分是4比2。


  n. 以…為對手,對

  warn/wn/ v.

  I have tried to warn him for several times, but he didnt listen to me.

  猜一猜 A. 勸說B. 教育C. 警告D. 打賭

  翻譯 我已經(jīng)試著告誡過他幾次了,可是他不聽我的。

  warning/wni/ n.

  The volcano is sending its warning signals for its coming eruption.

  猜一猜 A. 廣告B. 游說C. 欺騙D. 警告

  翻譯 火山在發(fā)出它即將爆發(fā)的警告信號。

  unique/junik/ a.

  He has an almost unique experience.猜一猜 A. 奇怪的B. 異常的

  C. 平庸的D. 惟一的,獨一無二的

  翻譯 他有一段可說是獨特的經(jīng)歷。

  stale/steil/ a.

  She always gives us stale performances.

  猜一猜 A. 精彩的B. 搞笑的

  C. 陳舊的D. 別出心裁的

  翻譯 她的表演總是沒有新意。

  詞義擴展 a. 變質(zhì)的,不新鮮的stale biscuits 不新鮮的餅干

  近義詞 old; outdated

  sink/sik/ v.

  The huge ship sank long ago in the smog.

  猜一猜 A. 迷失B. 失事C. 起航D. 下沉

  翻譯 那個輪船在煙霧中沉沒了。

  詞義擴展 n. 水槽,水池 Mother is standing at the washing sink. 媽媽站在洗碗


  park/pk/ n.

  Since you are upset, lets take a walk in the park!

  猜一猜 A. 郊外B. 公園C. 樹林D. 湖邊

  翻譯 既然你現(xiàn)在心煩意亂,那我們就去公園散散步吧!

  詞義擴展 n. 停車場Unfamiliar with the city, we took a long time to find a pa

  rk. 我們對這個城市不熟悉,所以花了很長時間才找到了停車場。

  v. 停放(汽車等)Where did you park your car? I cant find it. 你把車停在哪了?


  hydrogen/haidrudn/ n.

  China has invented hydrogen bomb of its own.

  猜一猜 A. 改革開放B. 道路C. 科技D. 氫

  翻譯 中國已經(jīng)發(fā)明了自己的氫彈。

  ignite/inait/ v.

  Its too dark here. Please ignite the candle.

  猜一猜 A. 拿B. 點燃C. 吹滅D. 預(yù)定

  翻譯 這兒太暗了,請把蠟燭點燃。

  大頭巧計 ig(諧音:一個)+ nite(同音:night) → 一個夜晚需要點燃照亮

  elite/eilit/ n.詞義 n. [總稱]上層人士,掌權(quán)人


  大頭例句 He felt very selfcontemptuous surrounded by numerous elite. 身邊


  jargon/dn/ n.

  I have some difficulties in understanding this paper which is full of jargons.

  猜一猜 A. 行話B. 錯誤C. 數(shù)據(jù)D. 分析

  翻譯 我看不懂這篇論文,里邊行話太多了。

  pride/praid/ n.

  The sound of Chinas anthem echoed in my heart and stirred my pride as a Chines


  猜一猜 A. 自豪B. 刺痛C. 自負(fù)D. 自卑

  翻譯 國歌聲在我心中回蕩,激起了我作為一個中國人的自豪感。

  詞義擴展 n. ① 自滿,驕傲,傲慢Pride makes one retrogress. 驕傲使人退步。

 ?、?引以自豪的東西Her daughter is her pride that she would like to show everywher

  e. 她的女兒是她的驕傲,她總是拿來到處炫耀。

  v. 使自豪,使自夸He felt shameless to pride himself on his poor skill on piano.


  sober/sub/ a.

  He seemed rather sober even though having drunk a lot.

  猜一猜 A. 冷靜的B. 清醒的

  C. 未滿足的D. 渴的

  翻譯 盡管喝了很多酒,他看起來仍很清醒。



  詞義擴展 a. 認(rèn)真的,冷靜的,適度的Be sober, Im not joking! 認(rèn)真點,我不是


  taste/teist/ v.

  He has not tasted food for three days.猜一猜 A. 品嘗B. 贊揚C. 忘記D. 欣賞

  翻譯 他已經(jīng)三天沒有嘗到食物了。

  詞義擴展 v. ① 有…味道Do you taste anything strange in this soup? 這湯里面

  你吃到有什么奇怪的味道嗎? ② 體驗,感到I can taste the bitter of living in the

  slum. 我能體會到住在貧民窟的苦。

  n. ① 滋味The taste in your soup is strange. 你的湯的味道很怪。② 味覺My mother

  s taste is very keen. 我母親的味覺很敏銳。③ (趣)味,鑒賞力I have little tas

  te in choosing cloths. 我在一副的選擇方面沒有鑒賞力。

  近義詞 flavor 風(fēng)味,香味

  unless/nles/ conj.

  I will not go unless I hear from him.

  猜一猜 A. 如果B. 然后

  C. 除非,如果不D. 因為

  翻譯 如果他不通知我,我就不去。

  voltage/vultid/ n.

  Please check the voltage before you turn on the appliance.

  猜一猜 A. 電流B. 電阻C. 電壓D. 重量

  翻譯 在打開這個儀器之前請先檢查一下電壓。

  whip/wip/ n.

  He struck him with a whip.

  猜一猜 A. 棍子B. 板凳C. 石頭D. 鞭子

  翻譯 他用鞭子抽他。

  詞義擴展 v. ① 抽打,鞭策They were whipping the thief when the police arrive

  d. 警察趕到的時候,他們正在鞭打那個小偷。 ② 攪打,打成泡沫whip the ingredients


  stage/steid/ n.

  Whenever he is on the stage facing audiences, he cant help trembling because o

  f stage fright.

  猜一猜 A. 審B. 講臺C. 舞臺D. 銀幕

  翻譯 他每次登上舞臺面對觀眾都會因為怯場而忍不住顫抖。詞義擴展 n. 階段,

  時期 Cancer is curable at its early stage. 早期癌癥可以治愈。

  詞組 (go)on the stage 當(dāng)演員Nowadays, many boys and girls dream of going o

  n the stage one day. 目前,很多男孩女孩都夢想有朝一日能登臺演出。

  聯(lián)想記憶 由詞根sta表示“立,站”,加上名詞后綴-ge構(gòu)成。

  近義詞 boards

  goose [pl.geese]/us/ n.

  They had a delicious goose for their dinner of Christmas Eve.

  猜一猜 A. 火雞B. 母雞C. 鴿子D. 鵝

  翻譯 圣誕節(jié)前夜的晚餐他們吃了一只美味的烤鵝。

  dessert/dizt/ n.

  Its a custom in western countries to move on to dessert after dinner.

  猜一猜 A. 娛樂B. 活動

  C. 舞會D. 甜點

  翻譯 西方有一個習(xí)慣,就是正餐后會上甜點。

  cattle/ktl/ n.

  There are 100 head of cattle in Peters farm.猜一猜 A. 驢子B. 騾子C. 牛D.


  翻譯 彼得的農(nóng)場里有100 頭牛。

  詞義擴展 n. 牲口, 家畜The herd of cattle will be sent to the butcher house.


  近義詞 calf 小牛;cow 母牛,奶牛

  alliance/lains/ n.

  The two parties formed alliance to fight against the enemy.

  猜一猜 A. 婚姻B. 允許C. 聯(lián)盟D. 抵抗

  翻譯 兩黨結(jié)成了統(tǒng)一聯(lián)盟與敵人作戰(zhàn)。

  分析 al+ li+ ance

  ad,to + 捆綁 + 名詞詞尾 → 結(jié)盟

  詞組 in alliance with 與…聯(lián)盟Britain was in alliance with France during Wor

  ld War Ⅱ. 在二戰(zhàn)期間,英國和法國是聯(lián)盟。

  大頭例句 They broke off the alliance because of different interests. 由于利


  近義詞 federation聯(lián)盟,聯(lián)合;league同盟,聯(lián)盟;union聯(lián)合,聯(lián)盟;alignment結(jié)




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